What is the rarest drug

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the rarest drug”,you can compare them.

Ketamine or LSD is rare in most places that are not cities. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-rarest-drug ]
More Answers to “What is the rarest drug
What is the rarest drug you ever used?
+Calmepam (a real nice long-acting benzo from Egypt) +Perisan Opium (found in the attic, where my best friend’s father stashed it) +Hydromorphone (bought from a regular pharmacy in Tunisia with an english written note that i wrote as an “…
Are drugs for rare diseases “essential”??
In 1977, the first report of the WHO Expert Committee on the Use of Essential Drugs defined essential drugs as those needed to satisfy the health-care needs of the majority of the population. This was done in order to fulfill a mandate to a…
Is it rare for viruses with drug resistance to be spread from one…?
In the United States and Europe, 10 to 15 percent of new HIV-1 infections are caused by viruses that already have some degree of drug resistance (primary drug resistance). Because drug resistance does not develop naturally (i.e. in the abse…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the rarest illegal drug nowadays?
Q: What do you think is the rarest illegal drug nowadays?In my opinion, it is LSD.
A: You can figure it out by going to Erowid. I would vote for 2CB initially, but realize that any time you manufacture substances with your own lab without FDA approval and then sell them as drugs, they become illegal drugs.
Should I be concerned if I have rare side effects to a drug?
Q: I’m currently on a medication that in rare instances with higher dosages can cause high prolactin levels. I’m on a very low dosage, and have not menstruated in months, and now I am lactating. Both of those problems can be from high prolactin levels. I am not pregnant. So how normal is it to end up with a rare side effect on such a low dosage of medication. The drug is Risperdal.
A: I have no formal medical background…different drugs have different effects which may be more or less common. There could be other factors that are creating a bad interaction. What you describe sounds unusual to me. My advice is to go see your doctor. I am in good general health and I had a unexpected side effect to medication that I was taking. Good for you for paying attention to the small print now get it checked out so you won’t worry.
IS it rare for a drug dog to not smell weed?
Q: Cause this one time at school, they had a random search in my brother class room and he had some weed. The dog totally missed him,How common is that?Mastiff Mommy almost all public middle and high school here in Texas have drug dogs search every once in awhile.
A: Depends…He might not have been a dog that specialized in weed, they only react to what they’re trained to react to. Maybe he was a coke dog, or even a bomb dog.Maybe your brother had it hidden away enough so that it wouldnt have been noticed (even by a dog) from across the room.Or maybe there were a lot of conflicting smells (schools are dripping with odors, lets face facts) and it threw the dog off.Or maybe he should just thank his lucky stars and sue the school for unlawful search and seizure?
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