What is the fastest way to get drugs out of your body

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the fastest way to get drugs out of your body”,you can compare them.

The quickest way to get drugs out of your body is a drug detoxification. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-get-drugs-out-of-your-body ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest way to get drugs out of your body
Which is the best and quickest way to clean ones body of toxins/d…?
If you are looking for an overnight success, there isn’t anything legal that can help you. In my opinion, the best way is a 2-3 day detox. Drink nothing but water, eat no meat, preservatives, no high fructose corn syrup, just fruits and veg…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: fastest way to detoxify your body
A: Not do them.
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Q: I’m just wondering because I have an opportunity to get a $9.83/hr job right now and I desperately want it. I haven’t had a job in so long because of the drug testing policy. In a 7 day weekly period, I smoke about 8-10 blunts. It’s too hard to just completely stop smoking weed, I’m sorry. Please help me, any suggestions and tips would be very beneficial for me.
A: If you’re smoking that much, you will never get it out of your system or even hide it. If you want a better job, you have one choice, give it up. That’s the harsh reality of things.
What is the fastest and most reliable way to flush weed from your body?
Q: My football team just got busted and they’re doing drug tests on everyone soon.
A: Well, there isn’t much you can do. Drink plenty of water and hope they do urine tests. Then this will dillute your urine and it may or may not show. But if they do a blood test you’re screwed. And it takes about 3 weeks to clear your system.
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