What is the best rolling paper for weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best rolling paper for weed”,you can compare them.

You should check out JB rolling papers! They are even burning and flavorless! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-rolling-paper-for-weed ]
More Answers to “What is the best rolling paper for weed
Why havent they invented actual “weed rolling papers” y…?
Hemp is a male pot plant. It creates relatively miniscule amounts of THC (about 1-2% of a female pot plant). So if you smoke a hemp joint it might add a little extra to the high. but this has the potential to become big anyway imagine on GC…
Where do you find paper to roll weed on?
Just ask for cigarette papers. Asking for advice about breaking the law is a violation, and so is answering.
What else can you roll weed with besides a cigar or professional …?
Oh My Gosh, the previous poster is right, Bible pages. You can go to any church and they will be more than willing to give you a free copy of the Gideon Bible, you can ask them for many more and tell them you will distribute it to friends a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats the best rolling paper?
Q: Whats the best rolling paper for weed?And where can i get it?
A: zig zags slow burning.. any convienence store..
Where to buy rolling paper or other paper for smoking weed?
Q: I don’t know if rolling paper is illigal to sell to a 15 yr old but if it is whats a good subsitute or cheaper way to smoke?
A: yep, it’s definitely illegal. coming from a 17 year old who’s been smoking for quite awhile, trust me, i know what you’re dealing with. your best bet is to get someone who’s 18 or older to buy the stuff for you…usually at gas stations or tobacco marts. but my suggestion would be to save up for a pipe or, better, a bong…that’ll last you and wont eat up your money, so you’ll have more for buds. :] if you cant find someone to buy that stuff for you though, bible pages work great, or you can be ghetto and use a coke can or a water bottle…bottles make good steamrollers. if you dont know how to make a piece out of those objects, just look it up on the internet somewhere, you’ll find something. good luck.
do you have to be 21 or 18 years old to by zig zag rolling paper for weed or can i buy it at a store no prob?
Q: oh and if i have to be legal age and i use bible paper (no ink, and honey or something to use as glue) and roll it properly will that work or will i have to have a roach or whatever too?
A: all my friends just buy a cigar from the gas station, but you can also use tampon paper, or phone book paper
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