What is the alcohol that makes you hallucinate

Health related question in topics Food Drink Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the alcohol that makes you hallucinate”,you can compare them.

Absinthe is an alcoholic drink made with an extract from wormwood. Real absinthe, illegal in the US, makes you hallucinate. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-alcohol-that-makes-you-hallucinate ]
More Answers to “What is the alcohol that makes you hallucinate
Can alcohol ever made you hallucinate?
The only time was when I was 20 and new to drinking. I drank about 10 paper cups of keg beer at my aunt’s party and looked up and saw two moons. I tried to shake it but I couldn’t. It can make long-term alcoholics hallucinate things like sn…
Is there a alcoholic drink that makes u hallucinate??
It was thought at one time absinthe caused hallucinations (researchers confused the active ingredient of wormwood with THC, found in cannabis) but now they know that’s not true. If you want an alcoholic drink to cause hallucinations, you co…

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Can alcohol ever made you hallucinate?
Q: I’m a lightweight, although i drink cider most weekends, but I was just wondering how much alcohol has affected your imagination? so almost like you’re hallucinating?
A: The only time was when I was 20 and new to drinking. I drank about 10 paper cups of keg beer at my aunt’s party and looked up and saw two moons. I tried to shake it but I couldn’t. It can make long-term alcoholics hallucinate things like snakes writhing around when they are deprived.
Does the Alcohol “absolute” make you hallucinate?
Q: ??
A: No, it’s never done that to me
Can Alcohol make you hallucinate?
Q: Awhile ago I drank half a bottle of jack and I was freaking trippin’. Is that normal?At one point this old indian guy was grabbing on my leg, I freaked the F out… for now on I’m sticking to beer n’ wine.
A: I was watching a show called Trauma: Life in the ER, and a guy drank too much alcohol (Vodka and other hard liquors ) during a frat party and he did have hallucinations (he thought bugs were all over the room and crawling on him) while the doctors were trying to help him. So i’d say YES!!!!!
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