What is some really good weed to smoke

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is some really good weed to smoke”,you can compare them.

Purple Kush is one of the 10 most powerful ganja strains in the world and is the best weed to smoke. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-some-really-good-weed-to-smoke ]
More Answers to “What is some really good weed to smoke
What is the best weed to smoke?
There are hundreds of different types of weed with different flavors, And THC percentages. It depends on what kind of weed you want. Some good Hybrid strains are “Northern Lights”, “Snow Cap”, And “White Widow”…
I want to smoke the best weed in iowa…who should i ask??
Ask one of your friends and he might know some good connection too. I don’t think you’ll find something on the internet.
Is leafy weed good to smoke?
if you could unfold a leaf then its not fully done drying (its still a lil fresh). i been smokin for 10 years and never had some bud that was like that, so i would put it in something and dry it, it has to be compact. but if its still a lil…

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Q: i got some weed in a bottle full with rubbing alcohol if i dry it really good can i still smoke it be honest thanks people winner gets 10 points
A: No, for the components of the isopropyl achohol will not be good for you when yuo inhale them
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Q: Dont give me the common usual aswers hope you can come up with really interesting ones…
A: The only good reason I can think of is if you are going to get drug tested
What are some good songs to smoke weed too?
Q: dont care what kind of music it is,if you smoke weeed you know that music is like ammazing when you high.
A: Incense and Peppermints
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