What is salvia and how long does the effect last

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Salvia divinorum is a psychoactive herb related to sage. Effects can last 10 minutes to one hour depending on ingestion method. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-salvia-and-how-long-does-the-effect-last ]
More Answers to “What is salvia and how long does the effect last
How long do the effects of salvia last?
When smoked, salvia strongest effects are experienced within a minute and have been reported to last for about 5 minutes. The effects then gradually fade, leading to a return to a normal cognitive state after 15 to 20 minutes.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long do the effects of salvia last?
Q: some of my friends want me to get high on salvia with themapperintly its legal.what are the effects of using it and how long does the trip last?
A: Ive done it, depending on how you take it, it can last anywhere from 5minues to half an hour. Just look it up, there are probably plenty of sites on it.
how long do effects of salvia last?
A: 10 mins on the average. http://www.Salvia.md sells the most potent extract I’ve ever tried. They also have a ton of info on the subject. I also love Kratom, my other favorite herb; it’s like opium, but legal. http://www.Kratom.md sells some trippy shiet!
What is salvia, how long do the effects last, is it like weed?
A: Way different…in my opinion much better but much more expensive unless of course you grow it yourself and extract it yourself (not rocket science) but its kinda like DMT or LSD just a way shorter trip. I highly recommend it. get some 20x or higher!
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