What is more harmful…marijuana or cigarettes

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is more harmful…marijuana or cigarettes”,you can compare them.

Marijuana is far more harmful than cigarettes [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-more-harmful…marijuana-or-cigarettes ]
More Answers to “What is more harmful…marijuana or cigarettes
Is marijuana less harmful than cigarettes?
“Most definitely. Tobacco contains addictive additives. Marijuana does not. Alot of people die from smoking cigarettes. No one has ever died from smoking grass.” Not true. They do around equal damage to your lungs, but what people…
Is smoking marijuana more harmful to your lungs than smoking ciga…?
It honestly depends on how much pot you are talking about in comparison to however many cigarettes. Smoking a bowl a day is much less harmful than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, but when you compare smoking an equal amount of each mate…
What are the KNOWN harmful health effects of cigarettes, alcohol,…?
Aside from the obvious “buzz” or intoxication provided by these substances (and the related conditions such as slurred speech, impaired judgment, decreased reflexes and lowered inhibitions) the known HEALTH effects are as follows:

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which is more harmful marijuana or cigarettes?
A: marijuana IS TOO harmful. it contains chemicals that cause cancer and it definately has negative health effects.pot may be naturally ocurring, but what is actually sold on the streets is not natural. its laced with different chemicals and other things before you buy it….
A few questions about marijuana versus cigarettes?
Q: Alright I have a few questions about marijuana versus cigarettes. If you can please provide the links to where you got your answer or something similar to your answer. ThanksWhich is more harmful marijuana or cigarettes?Which poses more of a harmful result marijuana or cigarettes?Which is more harmful to do while pregnant?Correct me if I am wrong but aren’t there just as many if not more harmful chemicals in marijuana as opposed to cigarettes? Which one poses more harmful health risks?Anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated. I am doing a paper on this and have quite a few answers already but I would like to see what outsiders would think. Thanks
A: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=86436409marijuana is not nearly as close to as harmfull as cigarettes,
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