What is it Meth made of

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is it Meth made of”,you can compare them.

# Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine (cold or allergy tablets), Lithium batteries, Starter fluid, Rock or table salt MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-meth-made-of ]
More Answers to “What is it Meth made of
The most common route of illicitly manufactured Methamphetamine today is the reduction of Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine using either Hydrodic acid, Hypophosphorous acid, or Birch reaction (anhydrous ammonia &lithium/sodium). In addition …
A – Everything but the Kitchen Sink (almost). Meth can be made with many over-the-counter and household chemicals including: ・ Drain cleaner ・ Lithium from batteries ・ Paint thinner ・ Ephedrine ・ Iodine ・ Lye ・ Diet Aids ・ Camp sto…
Methamphetamine is made with household products such as

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If meth is made in a house, will the drug linger within the house?
Q: I found this really nice house to rent, but I’ve heard that a previous resident cooked meth in the house. So if I rented this house, would i get affected by the meth. I think it seeps into the walls and stuff.. idk?
A: You wouldn’t get affected but the house is infected
Since meth is made of poisonous chemicals in unsanitary conditions and distributed by criminals why use it?
Q: This drug is the scourge of our nation and yet thousands see “no harm” in it. What on earth could possibly make it a good thing?
A: Nothing.
is there a way to make methadone, or is it methamphetamine the is made in “meth labs”?
Q: I’m not thinking about making it or anything. i’m just trying to figure out the difference between methadone and methanphetamine. when the new say “another meth lab exploded” which on are they talking about.Is speed the one that can be made in a lab or is that the one that helps recovering heroin addicts.i need someone to explain to me all the difference between the two.I want to know because i saw it on law & order. lol
A: methanphetamine is what they are making when things blow up. That is a “meth lab”. Methadone is an opiate commonly prescribed to heroin addicts to help them get off of heroin.
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