What is hydrocarbon

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Science Chemistry .We found some answers as below for this question “What is hydrocarbon”,you can compare them.

An organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hydrocarbon ]
More Answers to “What is hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon. Hydrocarbons usually have a carbon skeleton to which the hydrogen atoms are attached. The simplest hydrocarbon is methane, with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms…
Hydrocarbons are the compounds formed by carbon and hydrogen. Some of these compounds contains other elements like nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, halogens etc.
A mortar is a type of a muzzle loading indirect weapon that is capable of firing shells at low velocities. These shells can be fired at short ranges, and high arcing ballistic trajectories. The weapon has a typical barrel length that has le…

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Q: I hear a lot about petrol coal etc. being a hydrocarbon.Then i hear a lot about petrol coal etc. containing hydrocarbon?Which is it?
A: a hydrocarbon is a molecule containing only the elements (hydrogen and carbon), oil contains a mixture of these hydrocarbons. Petrol is contained in oil and is made up of similar hydrocarbons mainly c8h18 (octane)
How do you when the distillation of a hydrocarbon is complete?
Q: so im doing a distillation of 2-methyl-2-butanol, and producing its two hydrocarbon alkene products 2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene. the procedure says to heat the reaction mixture until the distillation of the hydrocarbon is complete (the hydrocarbon being the alkene products and not any of the reactants)….so how will i know when the distillation of the hydrocarbon is complete?
A: remember, when a liquid is boiling the temperature is constant, increasing the heat will only increase the rate of boilingonce the liquid is completely distilled (evaporated), the temperature will begin to rise again
What is the simplest formula of the hydrocarbon?
Q: Combustion of 0.5707 mg of a hydrocarbon produces 1.790 mg of CO2. What is the simplest formula of the hydrocarbon?
A: CxHy + O2 ——-> CO2you have 1.790 mg of CO2 with molecular weight 44.0095 g/moleso you have moles of CO2 = 1.790 x 10^-3 g / 44.0095 g/mole = 4.067 x 10^-5 moles CO2. but since 1 mole of CO2 contains 1 mole of C, you have 4.067 x 10^-5 moles C. since 1 mole of C weighs 12.01 g, 4.067 x 10^-5 moles of C weighs…..moles = wt/mw ——-> wt = moles x mw = 4.067 x 10^-5 moles x 12.01 g/mole = 4.884 x 10^-4 g = .4884 mg of carbon.since you started with .5707 mg of CxHy and .4884 mg of that is C, you must have .5707 – .4884 = .0823 mg Hsince H weighs 1 g / mole, you must have …..moles = wt/mw = 8.230 x 10^-5 g / 1 g/mole = 8.230 x 10^-5 moles H…..ie.. you have4.068 x 10^-5 moles Carbon8.230 x 10^-5 moles Hydrogen.divide both by the smallest and you get….1 carbon to 2.024 hydrogen.although I would like this number to be exactly 1:2 ratio, I’ll go out on a limb here and round it off.. so you have 1 carbon to 2 hydrogens…since carbon needs 4 bonds, your formula cannot be CH2. so let’s try twice that. ie. C2H4….that’s a molecule called ethene. or ethylene depending on common vs IUPAC****** Roger ******1.790 / 43.99 = .04069. not .0469
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