What is dro marijuana

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“Dro” is slang for hydroponically grown Marijuana. This produces superior plants because it’s environment is strictly controlled. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-dro-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What is dro marijuana
Is it impossible to smoke a pound of dro marijuana by yourself in…?
they really dont smoke pounds of MJ a day, they are just being exclamatory, i blaze too, and i think smokin that much is impossible and unhealthy to try either that or theres alot of people around them and they blaze Ounce blunts all day
Is kush, dro or chronic marijuana better?
There are a lot of different kush strains, they aren’t all the same. However, they are often seen as some of the best strains out there. Chronic is usually just a term for good weed in general, it’s not a strain. Dro (sometimes misused as b…
HOW MUCH DRO – Cannabis Forums Message Boards – Medical Marijuana…?
a dime bag/ a gram of dro for $20, not much @ all if u ask me… if ur willing to go 2 a lesser grade, get midis, like i can buy a blunt packed with 1.75 grams of midis including the price of the philly for $17.5

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it impossible to smoke a pound of dro marijuana by yourself in one day?
Q: I tried but I can’t. How do rappers do it?
A: A pound of marijuana is a ridiculous amount of weed to smoke in a day. I smoke weed every day, and on the absolute heaviest of days i’ll smoke 2 grams of weed which is a lot. Whoever told you they smoke a pound a day is exaggerating a lot, because the only way to do that would be to smoke a joint every minute and after a certain point of smoking you can’t even get higher. You just get dizzier and dizzier and your throat aches. Don’t try to do that, just smoke weed until you feel good and relaxed, not to see how much you can smoke. Hope this helped, and happy smoking!
Is kush, dro or chronic marijuana better?
Q: which one get you higher, tastes better, ect.tell me everythin
A: There are a lot of different kush strains, they aren’t all the same. However, they are often seen as some of the best strains out there.Chronic is usually just a term for good weed in general, it’s not a strain.Dro (sometimes misused as being synonymous to chronic) comes from the term hydroponics. It’s plants grown in water as compared to plants grown in soil. Hydro is often misunderstood because people assume that all hydro will be very good and potent, but that’s not true. There is such a thing as low quality hydro. In fact, many marijuana enthusiasts prefer soil over hydro because hydro is much more involved and requires more talent from the grower. Someone who doesn’t know what they are doing won’t produce the greatest hydro.That being said, the winner of Colorado’s Cannabis Cup in ’08 was a plant grown using hydroponics.
When will marijuana/ganja/weed/reefer/green/grass/dro/pot/magic dragon.. ect. be legalized?
Q: people will smoke no matter what so why not make it legal and make money? if you think its bad then don’t do it its your loss!
A: according to the NWSA marijuana “weed” does less harm on the body than alcohol or tobacco and yet people are able to go to the local citgo station and buy a can of grizzly,skoal,etc. , place it in their lip, buzz for 20 to 30 minutes and fuck up their mouths and at the same time two juniors at the local high school can chill in a basement and drink some miller lites and get a little tipsy while watching achorman, american pie, or what ever floats their boat.. weed is a mind opening drug that does less harm on the body than suckin back on cig or granpas old cough medicine.. weed makes you laugh, then you get hungry, then you just chill….. whats the harm in that?!?!?!?!?!?! it does not affect the way you drive, if anything it makes you more cautious. Why government officials dont legalize it, that.. i do not know.. our country could be making millions of dollars a day off the sales of marijuana that could help with the trillion dollar debt that we are in right now. OBAMA Is a dumb nigger who doesnt know shit needs to be put out of office. LEGALIZE WEED! ground up lawn care for life!
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