What is an addiction help hotline

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Yellow Pages .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an addiction help hotline”,you can compare them.

To get help for an addiction, please call 1800-784-6776. Thanks, and keep your head up! You can pull through!! ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-addiction-help-hotline ]
More Answers to “What is an addiction help hotline
Is there any hotline for helping the cyber addiction of teenagers…?
you should unplug your internet ,if you go on you should slap yourself , or do a swear jar like if you go on put 5 bucks in the jar ,

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone know of a good, valid porn addiction hotline?
Q: My husband is struggling and it is hurting our marriage. He yells and curses at me and the kids when his “alone time” is interrupted in the morning.I’ve looked at sites online but they are either pay a fee for counseling lines or fake sites with porn on them. Getting frustrated. Does anyone know a real free help hot-line for porn addiction, and the families suffering from repercussions of a loved one’s addiction?
A: 1-800-NEWLIFEnewlife.comThe hotline and website are free.NEWLIFE is an organization that has a nationwide counselor referral with over 800 licensed counselors nationwide. Also available is weekly telephone counselingNewlife also holds weekend seminars targeting a number of issues. One of those issues is Pornography AddictionOnline there is a resource section with helpful books on these same topics.The book Every Man’s Battle is for the menThe book Every Heart Restored is for the wives.
Is there any hotline for helping the cyber addiction of teenagers in Malaysia?
Q: I need help!! I’m really addicted with Facebook and can’t stop it… Please help me since I can’t find the helpline.
A: you should unplug your internet ,if you go on you should slap yourself , or do a swear jar like if you go on put 5 bucks in the jar ,
Which nation has set up a video game addiction hotline?
A: “South Korea” is the answer
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