What is alcohol poison

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Alcohol poisoning is the potentially fatal result of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. ChaCha away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-alcohol-poison ]
More Answers to “What is alcohol poison
Is alcohol a poison?
Ah no Eve … I wouldn’t argue on here … I think it was Deebee that asked if af-ers post on mods threads we shouldn’t discuss af lifestyles and be dogmatic – I think this is very reasonable and fair … I do pop over here for a read at ti…
How to cure alcohol poison?
Give your body a rest and don’t drink any alcohol for some time, place a big jug of water next to you, sip as often as possible. Get Vit. C pills, and take at least 1000mg per day, or make fresh fruit juice mixed with water and just sip as …
Is it possible to have alcohol poison?
Your friend needs a friend like you, not only to take care of him when he’s drinking but to make him realize he needs treatment. He could choke on his own vomit, have seizures, hypothermia, gastro-intestinal damage, liver damage, irregular …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you had only two choices for food being poison ivy or a bottle of rubbing alcohol, what would you choose?
Q: I think I would choose the poison ivy. At least I won’t go blind or die from alcohol poisoning even if I itch a lot.
A: Agreed – i’d go for the herbage also – maybe it’s a good source of fiber? =)
Is it possible to get alcohol poison from drinking just a few shots of whiskey every day?
Q: I got sick yesterday after just having a few shots. I believe it was mostly because i was coming down with a virus, but my mom keeps telling me i have alcohol poison. Oh and i was drinking sprite too. But i vomited approximately 6 or 7 times yesterday, and had diarrhea. Still have that today. I didnt run a high temp though. the highest was 100.2
A: Nope. You get alcohol poisoning from drinking too much at one time. The fever and diarrhera and stuff is a virus.When you have alcohol poisoning, you’ll know it.
How to cure alcohol poison?
Q: What are some easy home remedies to cure alcohol poisoning?
A: Give your body a rest and don’t drink any alcohol for some time, place a big jug of water next to you, sip as often as possible. Get Vit. C pills, and take at least 1000mg per day, or make fresh fruit juice mixed with water and just sip as often as possible. Try to have lots of rest.Another good help is repeating out loud, “I will never drink too much again”.Try to listen to your body, if it feels cold get under the blankets, if it feels warm, drink some iced water. Good luck.
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