What if I Want to do Herion

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ChaCha would not advise that. It is highly addictive and causes bad effects. Thanks for using ChaCha!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-i-want-to-do-herion ]
More Answers to “What if I Want to do Herion
Does wild kratom help,i want to quit heroin?
Are you retarded?! You already asked this question and I spent 5 mins replying to you.
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As a female gamer, I like to see female heroines in games. I’m not the kind of person who gets upset if she doesn’t have a woman character to play, but I do like to see developed female characters nonetheless. Unfortunately, a lot of female…
Why do I feel like I want to be a heroin junkie??
Just get a hobby. You dont really want to be a junkie.

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I was convicted of supply Herion when i was 19 I am now 31 clean of course and want to visit thailand for 1mth
A: Will not be a problem if you are coming here on a visa on arrival ie 28 day tourist visa, as there is no question regarding drug convictions on the landing card…..As you are clean now….sure you will not get involved with any form of drugs in Thailand…as if you do and are caught you are in deep do do
Herion _______?
Q: A. is an hallucinogenB. is a narcoticC. is not addictiveD. causes heart diseaseE. is synthetically made
A: Is a narcotic, is addictive, can stop your heart if injected, is an opiate base morphine. B. Is the one they want you to pick. ;)It is not considered a hallucinogen.It is EXTREMELY addictive.It is not a primary source of heart disease, but I believe with time it can destroy your heart muscle, but they are not looking for that answer.It is produced from the gum of the poppy seed plant. It is a black tar. It isn’t as chemically complex as say producing a Benzo’s such as Valium in a lab. But it was invented by the Bayer drug company. They do not want you to assume it to be synthetically made. And it is spelled “Heroin”.
How can I tell if some one is a herion user?
Q: I’m assuming a friend of mine is using Herion,but I dont know how to determine. I noticed a bump above his knee. I questioned it and he said it was nothing. The bump appeared to be the size of a dime,it was’nt red nor itching. I also noticed that he goes to the restroom and returns with a spacey look for a few seconds
A: Check the arms.
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