What happens when you overdose on adderall

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens when you overdose on adderall”,you can compare them.

Overdose symptoms may include restlessness, tremor, muscle twitches, rapid breathing, confusion, hallucinations and can be fatal. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-you-overdose-on-adderall ]
More Answers to “What happens when you overdose on adderall
Can you die from overdosing on adderall?
Yes. as with most prescription medications, overdose is dangerous and possibly lethal. however, with adderall it’s really hard to know what mg dose could be fatal to any one person, as children have died from as little as 15 mg and there …
What happens if I overdose on Adderall XR (Amphetamine Dextroamph…?
Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine. An overdose of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine can be fatal. Overdose symptoms may include restlessness, tremor, muscle twitches, rapid breathing, conf…
What happens if I overdose with Adderall XR?
Buy Adderall XR here, Individual responses to amphetamines vary widely. TOXIC symptoms may occur idiosyncratically at low doses. Possible symptoms may be: Manifestations of acute over dosage with amphetamines include restlessness, tremor, h…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what happens if you overdose on adderall?
Q: my bf has adhd soo he has adderall 10mg for each pill and he took 14 pills im worried sick about him idk what i should watch for as a fact he od but im scared to death someone plz help
A: Take his pulse, a normal pulse is 60-100 beats per minute in an adult at rest. If it is over say 140, take him to the ER. Take his radial pulse, on his wrist. Have him sit down while you take it. Use a watch and count for a whole minute.
Adderall Overdose Aftermath?
Q: What Happened – Adderall OverdoseFriend got high on adderall for 2 days and slept 3 hours all together – the 3rd day comes along and he takes more adderall. His chest starts pounding, shoulder twitches, and his hands are getting numb(pinky mostly) along with his face. Then the ambulance makes it to his place. In the ambulance he cant speak complete sentences and his left leg froze up and he couldnt move it until he calmed down. They immediately gave him a shot then at the hospital they gave him another which made him dizzy and feel different.Was he having heart attack symptoms?What type of shot did they give him in the ambulance – they did or didnt – they might have been testing his blood?What kind of shot did they give him at the hostpital?K Thankyou Everybody
A: He was increasing his risk for a heart attack, no doubt. They gave him a shot to lower his heart rate, likely a very strong beta blocker. If they knew he had overdosed on Adderall, it wouldn’t have been necessary to do a blood test, though they might have done one later on.
when you overdose on adderall, are you always aware of it?
Q: or could it happen without you knowing and then later on you have side affects of the overdose, like stomach pain?
A: Well, stomach pain is likely to happen whether you overdosed or not. What you do have to worry about is your heart rate, because Adderall is dextroamphetamine and amphetamine (aka speed) and does have the potential of sending you into cardiac arrest. But honestly, I’ve taken up to six and I was fine. It’s obviously had some crazy long term effects on me, but I’m alright. Don’t worry about overdosing on that stuff, just stick to one or two if you haven’t been taking it long.have fun 🙂
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