What happens if you smoke an ounce of marijuana

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The effects of the drug on each person depend on the user’s experience, as well as how strong the marijuana (THC) is. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-smoke-an-ounce-of-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What happens if you smoke an ounce of marijuana
Can someone really smoke an ounce of weed (marijuana) a day??
you have to remeber the weed we smoked in the 60s dont conmpare to whats out there now.. yes its possible or at least was
Will drinking a 40 ounce of beer clear my system when i smoked a …?
slam a colt 45 40 oz smoke anouther kush blunt slam anouther one 40 oz chop one or a few up smoke anouther blunt take 6 shots of bacardi an your straight the only way to clear your self of a blunt…. and ive tried passeing the test it dont…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when you are caught in your car with under an ounce of marijuana in California?
Q: We live in Southern California. My 18 year old daughter just got caught smoking pot with her friend in her parked car. She had a very small amount of marijuana (under an ounce). I am worried sick about this, and I’m wondering what is going to happen. She basically got a traffic ticket for it, and will receive a notice to appear in court. The police officer took the pot, and let her leave after searching her car. Does anyone out there know what to expect?
A: She did not receive a traffic ticket for the marijuana. It was a misdemeanor summons to appear in court on a criminal charge. Possession of under 36 grams in the State of California is a midemeanor. She will likely only have to pay a fine and maybe do some community service.
Cited for under an ounce (3.5 g) of marijuana in Cali, what will happen?
Q: My situation: Ok, So I was pulled over for going 45 in a 25 (posted speed limit sign says 35, but i wasn’t cited for speeding, so it’s not the issue) I was honest and upfront with the officer from the begining when he asked if I had any weapons or drugs, I told him I had some weed on me, and since I don’t have any previous record for anything and I hadn’t yet smoked I was hoping my honesty would be appreciated … So my honesty was overlooked and I was cited for a small amount of marijuana, but I was in the process of getting physician’s recomondation/card/etc. Now, less than a week after getting my citation, I have my approval form, card and documentation from my doctor. My Question: What would you recommend I pled when I go to court in a month, and what will happen? I’ve never been in trouble before.Thanks for all your answers…. but I’m still confussed about what I should pled, and if I should even bring up the fact I have a Dr. recommendation for it now or not…
A: Although a fine is the only “punishment” for possession of MJ, if you are under 21 your license will be suspended for a year. Additionally, drug convictions can have lots of other adverse effects, especially upon foreign travel. Because of these other risks, you should discuss your options with an attorney. Since this is a misdemeanor offense, if you cannot afford counsel one will be appointed for you.
Whats gonna happen to me now? I got caught with marijuana, under an ounce, im 16?
Q: I was in my car with 2 friends, and a police officer caught us. We had about 1.4 grams on us and tobacco products. (lighter and piece)I am 16 and a senior in high school. I live in Orange CountyI would like to know what will most likely happen to me.Like: Will this stay on my record forever? How much will my ticket be? Will my license be suspended? Can i do anything before my court date to maybe ease my punishment? How do i approach this situation? Can I find a program/class, enroll in it, graduate/pass it, and be written off? I am extremely remorseful of this situation. I have not only hurt myself, but my family, loved ones, and friends. I am just curious as to what is gonna happen with me. Believe me, i learned my lesson and am planning to quit smoking.PLEASE, anything that can help me will be useful. Thanks in advance for what will be posted.
A: For correct information regarding marijuana laws in your state try this link: http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4525.Also check out the link to flexyourrights.org. I would bet you consented to a search and confessed to having the marijuana. You did not have to let the officer search or answer his questions. Knowing your rights may have prevented you and your freinds from getting busted.
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