What effects does smoking hooka have

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What effects does smoking hooka have”,you can compare them.

Several types of cancer and gum disease have been linked to hookah smoking.ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-effects-does-smoking-hooka-have ]
More Answers to “What effects does smoking hooka have
Is there any way to help reverse the effects of smoking hookah??
out of a hooka? are you high or something? take a nap, go get some fresh air, eat something, excersize
What are the health effects of smoking from a hookah??
Well first off, Shisha is tobacco and holds all the same effects as tobacco. Except with Shisha it, doesn’t have tar, carcinogens, and additional nicotine added to them. So smoking occasionally won’t be that bad. Smoking hookah is less harm…
What kind of effects stem from smoking hookah?
ehh.. no. it’s not normal by any means. maybe your body just hates the nicotine? i really dont know the answer but i can sure as hell tell you that i’ve never even heard of this happening. nothing should happen after smoking.. some peopl…
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