What effects do shrooms have

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What effects do shrooms have”,you can compare them.

Magic mushroom trip takes you beyond normal perception and back again. It’s usually how you are feeling at the time which MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-effects-do-shrooms-have ]
More Answers to “What effects do shrooms have
What are the effects from shrooms ?
I tried them a couple of times and was not impressed. They affect your vision somewhat that it makes everything appear in sharp contrast and sometimes you get trailers. That’s when if you move your hand in front of your face it (((LLL((OOO(…
What are the long term effects of shrooms?
if you trip enough, you’ll probably get serotonin defficiancy. the way it increases serotonin.. the brain has ways of compensatin for things. too much serotonin means it tries to take it back to normal by reducing it. since it causes an ove…
How do I stop effects of shrooms?
My name is Ryan and Im 19 now. When I was 18, i began experimenting with the drug “shrooms”. Ive done them 4 times total, each time feeling the effect. My last two times I took in 3 days time. On my 4th time, I had what you would …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the effects of shrooms?
Q: I’m thinking about doing shrooms in 2 weeks (I want to be ready when I do them) and I’m just wondering what all of the pros and cons are. I’m an extremely paranoid person and I’m afraid that might come into play when I shroom. What are the physical and psychological effects of shrooms?
A: It makes you laugh hard and see things. I did it one time 23 years ago and laughed so much and so hard the next day my ribs hurt like I had been beat up. Seeing things was minimal but that probably depends on how many you do. I am not saying to do them but your question was what are the effects?
what are the effects of shrooms and how long do they last?
Q: so my friend says that she wants to try them but im not sure how i feel about it. i was just wondering what the effects are and how long they last. because i want to make sure i can go home normal the next day if i decide to do it. i know they arent addictive and they dont harm you.
A: First, you should never use a substance because someone else wants to. You must want this for yourself foremost. Also the fact you feel apprehensive now could have an adverse effect on your trip. Psilocybin works in such a way that the outcome is determined by your own frame of mind, this can include your thoughts and worries before, during and after. Certain settings and situations could mean bad news for your trip.Try to give yourself as much time as possible to enjoy your trip with minimal disturbances. Take them in a setting you feel comfortable in and only with people you trust. Chances are you will still feel some of the effects the next day albeit on a smaller scale.Just remember to stay safe. Always have someone more experienced on hand and just have fun. If you’re feeling worried, don’t do it. Wait until you feel more relaxed in order to maximise the good effects of this wonderful organism!! Good luck and be safe!
What can you take to help The effects of shrooms go away?
Q: Its not for a bad trip or anything, but i only have 6 hours or my trip on shrooms, and then i have to go home. My mom is aware that i do drugs but is strongly against it. (She knows how i act if im on drugs).Is there anything that i cant drink or eat so that when i go home after 6 hours of taking the shrooms, i will be able to control how i act to act some what normal?11 minutes ago – 4 days left to answer.
A: At 6hrs, you’ll still be coming down from the trip, but you won’t be acting normally. You never know how you will react on shrooms, and drinking anything probably wont help it. Try to do a small amount, like 1g. You wont get as high as you would on the normal dose (2g and up), but the effects will probably be more subtle. Good luck
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