What drugs are tested for on the standard drug test

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What drugs are tested for on the standard drug test”,you can compare them.

A basic drug test checks for drugs in these 5 categories: cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates and phencyclidine. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-drugs-are-tested-for-on-the-standard-drug-test ]
More Answers to “What drugs are tested for on the standard drug test
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Q: Ok so im on standard probation im a minor (15) and im just wondering what is tested for? i figure its a ‘standard’ drug test but what exactly is tested for?
A: There is no “standard” except the one your prob. agent sets. He/she can have you tested for anything. If you have a history of trying new things, you’ll get tested for everything. If you only have a history of pot, then they’ll probably just test for pot and alcohol. Tests are expensive.
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Q: why doesnt oxycodone show up on standard 5 panel drug test. they test for opiods, but oxycodone doesnt even come up on opiates?do they have to test for that particular drug?
A: Because when they test for opiates, they’re really only testing for morphine. But the thing is, both heroin and codeine convert into morphine in the body, so they along with morphine will show up. And since a lot of opiate users end up using heroin (for price reasons), they just leave it like it is.Oxycodone, on the other hand, doesn’t convert into morphine. It converts into something called morphone which doesn’t show up. But since morphone is so closely related to morphine, if massive amounts were taken, then it could trigger a false positive for morphine.They CAN test for it, it’s just cheaper not to.
Smoking hookah show up on standard drug test?
Q: If you smoke flavored tobacco out of a hookah (standard substance to smoke from hookah), will it show up on a drug test? If so, how long does it stay in your system?
A: no it doesn’t.hookah isn’t a drug.it’s just tobacco.
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