What drug it good for you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What drug it good for you”,you can compare them.

Alcohol is good for you in moderation– no more than two drinks per day. Red wine has the most health benefit. Enjoy using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-drug-it-good-for-you ]
More Answers to “What drug it good for you
Is weed good? drugs at school vote
Well, by that philosophy, caffeine, sugar, and much more have been considered drugs do to their addictive nature, but I’m not checking into rehab to kick the stuff just because I had some coffee. Some people overeat/have poor diet as a way …
Are generic drugs as good as brand-name drugs??
Yes. From quality to performance, generic drugs are required to meet the same Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards as brand-name drugs. The FDA ensures, through a rigorous multi-step approval process, that generic drugs are as safe …
Is marijuana a good drug?
no marijuana is really bad for you.you should never smoke marijuana if you see anyone smoking marijuana then tell the police it doesnt matter if you think you are being a snitch or a tattle tale IT IS AGAINST THE LAW AND BAD FOR YOU. HELL Y…

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Q: I got a job today and was told to go to quest diagnostics to do a drug test but how much is it? And do you have to make an appointment?
A: Your potential employer pays for the test, you are not expected to pay for it yourself. Call them to see if they need an appointment, but usually you can just go in anytime.
What is a good drug to manage anger if you have bipolar disorder?
Q: I’m on wellbutrin and lexapro which have helped me alot, but I still have anger issues and at times uncontrolled rage…help!
A: i get exactly the same thing, it’s so hard dealing with the aftermath of the anger and hurting the people around you. i’m on epilim as my mood stabiliser, plus a mild anti-depressant Cipramil, but when I feel enraged etc (symptoms of mania I suppose really) I take Seroquel, which really helps. The only problem is that it can make you very drowsy, even unable to function clearly at times.
What does it mean when you dream about being set up with drugs?
Q: I dreamnt about a woman at my apartment building putting drugs in my apartment and then calling the cops. I got arrested. I have never done drugs and it is very upsetting to me..
A: It has been said that the purpose of dreams is to process the experiences that you have in life, so as to help make them manageable.Sometimes the images in our dreams can be seen as perfect encapsulations of internal struggles that we are having. So don’t take the dream LITERALY. Instead, think about what the images seem to mean for you, in relation to your ordinary life. One way to do this is to take one small piece of the dream at a time, and then think about it, and list what it brings up for you. My own reaction to your dream is that it seems to have a lot of “invasion” (she invades your private space) and guilt or self doubt (you’ve never done anything wrong.Is anything going in your life, would lead you to feel these things?I hope that helps.
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