What does weed do to you health-wise

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What does weed do to you health-wise”,you can compare them.

Some effects are feeling anxious, panicky, depressed or paranoid, bloodshot eyes and dry mouth. Cha Cha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-weed-do-to-you-health%26%2345%3Bwise ]
More Answers to “What does weed do to you health-wise
What are the consequences of smoking weed health wise?
Smoking marijuana increases the risk of getting cancer, as it has as many or even greater concentrations of carcinogens as cigarettes; and, because marijuana smokers inhale more deeply and hold the breath, the nasty cancer-causing smoke is …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the consequences of smoking weed health wise?
Q: Is smoking weed really that bad? Heard something about it killing brain cells.I know it’s bad for you, I know it kills brain cells and is obviously bad for your lungs. My boyfriend smokes everyday and he doesn’t believe me so I’m showing him what everyone else has to say maybe with more detail.
A: Smoking marijuana increases the risk of getting cancer, as it has as many or even greater concentrations of carcinogens as cigarettes; and, because marijuana smokers inhale more deeply and hold the breath, the nasty cancer-causing smoke is more likely to deposit in the lungs and upper respiratory system. If you know long-term smokers as I do, they develop a chronic cough that usually is accompanied by phlegm and can develop ongoing upper respiratory issues. It diminishes sexual drive and impairs judgment, so that you don’t make the best decisions sexually and otherwise while high. Today’s cannibis is grown with even greater concentrations of THC (the ingredient that creates the high), so there’s even greater risk of brain damage, impaired function and judgment, etc. My advice to your boyfriend is to try exercise, godly meditation, relaxing walks in nature, and faith in the Higher Power to get a natural high that’s out of this world! I used to smoke pot and drink and get high with my friends alot, and I got burnt out, tired, and depressed. But when I found out that God was real, personal, and loved me, it changed my life. Check this book out: Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White. I have a link to it below. God bless.
What is more bad health wise? Weed or Alcohol?
Q: Which one does more harm to the human body when used to get that high? So basically, whats worse, getting high or getting drunk? Opinions? I need something that’s convincing so facts can help….No I am not talking about what do you think is worse as an outcome of these drugs, just health wise, how badly does each drug affect the body. Thanks
A: Hmmmm. which one is worst.Well they are both not *good*.Here is a how the body is affected, you decide.Marijuana in itself is not harmful, it produces no neurological disabilities. What does occur is: the inhalation of the smoke does a number on the respiratory system. The respirator cilia (little hairs in the back of your throat that help you trap debri and propel mucous) become paralyzed, if you stop smoking they regain function within a few days. The smoke will also play a factor on the lungs. The alveoli (little ball like structures in the sacs of your lungs where oxygen exchange takes place) may be effected slightly to moderately, mucous blockage is possible, varying on degree.Alcohol afflicts the CNS. Enough said.
weed versus alcohol (health-wise)?
Q: what is healthier, weed or alcohol. i know i shouldn’t be doing either, especially because im 15. i know weed is supposed to be “safer,” but what is better, health-wise. i dont know much about either, but i think alcohol is worse for your brain and weed is bad for you lungs like cigarettes. please helpseveral of you mention weed messing up my brain. what if i only do it like once a month, and when i do it during the school year its on a weekend always
A: This is a rediculous question, and not because you are rediculous. Society is rediculous because it is the thing that has made you debate whether weed of alcohol is worse for you.It is not a debate. Plain and simple. The statistic goes that you would have to smoke about 1500 pounds of marijuana in 15 minutes to lethally overdose. If you knew how much that was you would be laughing. I couldnt smoke 1/4 of an OUNCE in 15 minutes. And there are 16 oz in a pound.As for smoke, marijuana smoke has a MUCH smaller percentage of carcinogens (the things that destroy your alveoli in your lungs) than tobacco smoke. You can’t compare them. Tobacco smoke has TAR in it! What the helll!Alcohol, on the other hand, can damage many parts of your body, and thousands of people die every year from alcohol poisoning. It is extremly fun and I love drinking in moderation, but the fact that alcohol is legal and marijuana isn’t is really rediculous.Most people drink and many people smoke. Just don’t let it get in the way of school. I only do it on weekends, and usually just one night out of the 2.
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