What does the drug ketamine do

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What does the drug ketamine do”,you can compare them.

In large doses ketamine produces effects in humans similar to PCP- such as dream-like dissociative states and hallucinations. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-drug-ketamine-do ]
More Answers to “What does the drug ketamine do
What is Ketamine (The drug)?
Its a class C horse tranquillizer. Its a Rave drug most people take it when they go raving.
What drug category is Ketamine in?
Ketamine is considered a dissociative anesthetic and psychedelic. In lower doses, it will produce dissociative and psychedelic effects, while in higher amounts it will induce anesthesia.
How unhealthy is the drug ketamine?
every drug is bad for you. However this one especially can kill you, depending on who you are in the first couple times you do it. Please for the sake of life, stop. Go find a rehabilitation center to stop your addiciton. To give you an exa…

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does anyone know about the illegal drug ketamine?
Q: i need to know about the drug ketamine for health research paper, any information will help thanks.
A: Ketamine was originally developed as a veternarian anesthetic agent – yup, a horse tranquilizer. It started surfacing as a drug of abuse in the 80s under a bunch of different names – Special K is the most known name. It’s still used in medical communities for surgery and anesthesia. It has a unique property of retrograde amnesia – not only does the person forget the active time period of the drug (about 1-2 hrs), but they also forget about 10 minutes PRIOR to the drug being given. That’s quite useful for some patients.As an agent of abuse, it’s not as addictive as other drugs (ie. heroin), but it causes a lot of problems, largely due to the combination of euphoria and respiratory depression. Euphoria makes you happy and excited and more energetic, and respiratory depression means you breathe less. Not a good combination.Check out the following website for more official info: http://www.aapcc.org/
What are some effects of the drug ketamine and where do people transport it?
Q: I need to know specifically what ketamine does to your body. I also need to know where people get the main ingredients to make the ketamine. *I am not doing drugs. I need it for a health project*
A: Ketamine is a general dissociative anaesthetic for human and veterinary use. As with many other pharmaceuticals, ketamine is used extramedically as a recreational drug. The effect of Ketamine as a depressant on the respiratory and circulatory systems is less than that of other anaesthetics. When used at anaesthetic doses, it will sometimes stimulate rather than depress the circulatory system. It is sometimes possible to perform ketamine anaesthesia without protective measures to the airways. Ketamine is also a potent analgesic and can be used in sub-anaesthetic doses to relieve acute pain; however, its psychotropic properties must be taken into account. Patients have reported vivid hallucinations, “going into other worlds” or “seeing God” while anesthetized, and these unwanted psychological side-effects have reduced the use of ketamine in human medicine. As for where people get it they usaully steal it from an vets office. Ketamine sold illicitly comes from diverted legitimate supplies or theft, primarily veterinary clinics. In the US near its border with Mexico, the drug is most commonly acquired in Mexico, where it can be bought over the counter in veterinary clinics, and smuggled across the border. In 2003, Operation TKO was a probe conducted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). As a result of operation TKO, U.S. and Mexican authorities shut down the Mexico City company, Laboratorios Ttokkyo, which was the biggest producer of ketamine in Mexico. According to the DEA, over 80% of ketamine found in the U.S. is of Mexican origin.[
Can the anaesthesia drug Ketamine cause blindness in animals?
Q: My 4 month old Burmese kitten had to have chest X-Rays and she needed an extra dose of Ketamine to sedate her. This was 18 hours ago. She has woken up but cannot see. Could she still be coming out of the sedation or has she been permanently damaged.
A: Shes just coming out of the sedation. Nothing to worry about.
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