What does it feel like to be drunk or buzzed

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If you’re buzzed, everything will be funnier, & you’ll lose your inhibitions. Drunk is more intense. You might get dizzy or sick. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-feel-like-to-be-drunk-or-buzzed ]
More Answers to “What does it feel like to be drunk or buzzed
What does it feel like to be drunk or have a buzz?
my body cant take to much alcohol when i drink 40% alchohol in vodka just 2 shots i get dizzy and i headache and i need to go to bed and sleep because its too much so my brian is shutting down but i can drink 3 or 4 beers and dont feel the …
What does a “BUZZ” feel like, when drinking??
Very relaxed, a little numb, but not drunk.

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Q: I *know* it’s different for everybody, and it depends on the size of the glass, and how fast you drink it blah blah blah. But just tell me approximately how many glasses of white wine it would take to get me drunk? (Again, I’m female 20 yrs. old 100 lbs.)thanks
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What does it feel like to be drunk or have a buzz?
Q: I drank 6 bottles of miller light and didn’t feel anything what does a buzz or being drunk feel like describe it?if it’s so bad why does everyone keep drinking
A: Great until the next morning.
depending on what your drinking, how many drinks does it take for you to start feeling drunk or buzzed?
A: Well, I drink only a few things, so i’ll run down the list:White wine: 4 cups before I start to feel buzzed. Typically that’s my limitRosé: same as aboveCaipirinhas (this is Caçaza, lemons, sugar and ice….brazilian drink): 2 to feel buzzed, 4 to be completely drunk. (they are strong)Primaveras (this is grenadine, sprite, orange juice and rum): like 3 to feel buzzed, 5 to be drunk. I never drink that many because they are expensive.Kia Royal: 2 to feel buzzed……also I don’t typically drink more than that because they are also expensive. What can I say? I’m not a cheap date. LOLI don’t drink beer, and they don’t really have wine coolers here but when I used to drink those (smirnoff “twisted” any flavor was my drink of choice in the clubs): like 5 to feel buzzed. I never drank more than 5 or 6)that’s it 🙂
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