What does getting drunk do to your body

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Short-term alcohol use can have these effects depending on the quantity of alcohol you consume: * Loss of inhibition and..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-getting-drunk-do-to-your-body ]
More Answers to “What does getting drunk do to your body
Which is worst your body? Getting drunk or getting high??
Cigarettes are far more harmful than weed. Cigarettes can cause cancer while weed can help heal some times of cancer. There are pores in your lungs that are only made and will only let marijuana smoke go through them. So it makes you thin…
How big a toll on your body does getting drunk do?
you’ll be tired dehydrated and have a headache the next day you will have consumed about 3,500 calories of alcohol hangovers arnt fun
Can getting drunk once have any long term affects or can your bod…?
getting drunk once wont have any long term effects, you’ll be fine.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How big a toll on your body does getting drunk do?
Q: Say getting drunk enough to be a hung over the next day but not drunk enough that you blacked out.(I know kind of broad question depending how drunk you get, but answers highly appreciated =)
A: you’ll betireddehydratedand have a headache the next dayyou will have consumed about 3,500 calories of alcoholhangovers arnt fun
What does alcohol do to your brain/body to make you drunk?
Q: A scientific explanation on what it does to your brain or body and how it gets you drunk?
A: i’m assuming you’re just asking about short-term effects. alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. at low to medium doses, it is a GABA agonist, which means it mimics the effects of your body’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter. this helps to explain the reduced inhibition people experience (because of increased depressed activity in the frontal cortices). at high doses, it is an NMDA antagonist (meaning it blocks the effects of glutamate – your body’s main excitatory neurotransmitter). this helps to explain “black outs” because glutamate is important in the memory systems of the brain (e.g., hippocampus). because the depressant effects are systemic in the brain, you also suppress activity of the cerebellum (important for motor control, balance, etc.) and run the risk of suppressing activity of the brainstem (vital for life-sustaining functions such as breathing). many people that die from consuming too much alcohol essentially turn off the areas of the brain that are involved in involuntary life critical functions. many others die before they reach that point because the areas for decision-making go first – and i think we’ve all seen where that can go (check out the darwin awards for some good examples: http://www.darwinawards.com/).
What’s worse for your body. Getting drunk a lot or getting high?
Q: When I say getting high I mean with weed only.I’m trying to convince my friend that getting drunk a lot is worse for the body than getting high. In social situations too.Could anyone post some facts?Open to opinions but only if they’re based on fact.Most information gets Best Answer.
A: Here’s some info I found.Research recently published in the medical journal The Lancet rates the most dangerous drugs (starting with the worst) as follows:1. Heroin2. Cocaine3. Barbiturates4. Street methadone5. Alcohol6. Ketamine7. Benzodiazepines8. Amphetamine9. Tobacco10. Buprenorphine11. Cannabis12. Solvents13. 4-MTA14. LSD15. Methylphenidate16. Anabolic steroids17. GHB18. Ecstasy19. Alkyl nitrates20. KhatKeeping the list in mind, I have seen both Marijuana and Alcohol completely ruin lives. Lives that were perfectly good to start with. Alcoholics lose their jobs, their friends and their self-respect, not to mention their families. Its bad for the liver, the kidneys, the heart and the skin. Marijuana, while it might not seem that bad, ruins people later in life. I’ve met several who’s drug use during the ’60’s effected them very badly later in life. They were slow off the mark, disjointed and detached from society.Why not stay away from all of it and start a healthy trend towards having fun w/o getting drunk and w/o getting high. You just might be surprised how many people join you and how much fun you can really have watching the idiots around you do stupid things instead of being one of them.
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