What does ecstasy do to your brain? MORE

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Ecstasy increases serotonin in your brain, making you feel good, loving, connected. Then it crashes you into a bad depression. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-ecstasy-do-to-your-brain%3F-more ]
More Answers to “What does ecstasy do to your brain? MORE
What does ecstasy do to your brain?
It really depends what is in the ecstasy. Some ecstasy pills have nasty stuff in them as binders and fillers. Pure mdma – commonly called moly, or molecule has less toxic effect. The first time people do ecstasy it is the best because you b…
What are the effects of ecstasy?
the greatest feeling youll ever have for about 6 hrs,your body moves especially to techno you feel almost orgasmic from any slight body contact, the colors and lights blend and the trails , the next day or 2 you may feel a little depressed …
Is ecstasy addictive?
if it’s clean it shouldn’t be chemically addictive but it can become a hard to break habit

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is hellium more dangerous to your brain than ecstasy?
Q: DOes hellium effect the brain cells worse then ecstasy?
A: Helium is bad for the brain in that it can make your brain oxygen starved. Ecstacy runs a risk of making your body over-heat, which can basically cook your brain.Helium is just an inert gas. All it does is make you voice sound high-pitched. But if you’r comparing it to e, my guess is you’re sucking something out of a balloon that isn’t helium–most likely nitrous oxide. Nitrous is some scary stuff, and I would NOT mess around with it. It is very dangerous.E in moderation is quite unlikely to cause any real organic brain damage, but the psychoactive effects of e can cause depression in the following days, can become psychologically addictive, and is, of course, illegal. All told, I know that after studying e quite extensively, I’ve found taht many of the claims against it might be over-blown, but the case against it is still strong enough that I would recommend that anyone who cared about their mental and physical health to stay the hell away from it.
What effects does ecstasy have on your brain? 10 pts?
Q: Im just wondering cuz my friend does it..not ALL the time but quite often i think.So what effects does it have you on physically as well?When will it start effecting you or showing?also i dont mean what it does to you in the hours after you take it.. imean in the long run.
A: In addition to dehydration, there are also secondary effects on the brain. Initial findings show that because of the dehydration, there can be significant neural damage. This is especially true if ecstasy is mixed with alcohol, as both induce a dehydration effect. In severe cases of mixed usage there can be severe brain damage – it is supposed that there is a reduction in cerebro-spinal fluid (the fluid that keeps the brain protected inside your skull), but there is little clinical evidence to support that… yet. Some of the first clinical studies are being done right now to see what ecstasy actually does on a physical level. If you do see any effects, concentration or reasoning difficulty could be some of the first.You are right to be concerned about your friend. Taking any drugs of any sort will have an effect on you – thereby the naming of it it a ‘drug’. I can give you anecdotal evidence against the use of drugs, and some arguments for, but since every situation is different, anecdotal evidence can be useful but is has a more likely chance of making you more confused or worried. If something starts changing in your friend, you will probably notice it. Hopefully she/he will stop using it before it causes any damage (i.e. before it becomes an addictive behaviour and stops being ‘just fun’)Do read the attached wiki. And there are also other bits of related information you can find there on a search.
How does Ecstasy affect your brain?
Q: How/why does it get you high?
A: The physical effects of usual doses of MDMA (Ecstasy) are subtle and variable: some users report dryness of mouth, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, nystagmus (eye wiggles), sweating, or nausea. Others report feelings of profound physical relaxation. At higher doses (overdoses), the physical effects of MDMA resemble those of amphetamines: fast or pounding heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, restlessness, etc. The psychological effects are a bit more difficult to describe, since they are many and of widely varying effects. The major ones are: Entactogenesis (“touching within”) This is a generalized feeling that all is right and good with the world. People on MDMA often describe feeling “at peace” or experiencing a generalized “happy” feeling. Also, common everyday things may seem to be abnormally beautiful or interesting. Alexander Shulgin reported that mountains that he had observed many times before appeared to be so beautiful that he could barely stand looking at them. Empathogenesis Empathogenesis Empathogenesis is a feeling of emotional closeness to others (and to one’s self) coupled with a breakdown of personal communication barriers. People on MDMA report feeling much more at ease talking to others and that any hangups that one may have with regard to “opening up” to others may be reduced or even eliminated. This effect is partially responsible for MDMA’s being known as a “hug drug” – the increased emotional closeness makes personal contact quite rewarding. Many people use MDMA primarily for this effect, reporting that it makes potentially awkward or uncomfortable social situations (singles bars, dance clubs, etc.) much more easily dealt with. “[Conversation] just flows like water” said one person. “It seems like you know exactly what to say and when to say it. It’s like a filter between what you want to express and what comes out of your mouth that you didn’t even know existed is stripped away.” This same person also reported that they used to use alcohol for many of these same reasons, but found MDMA to be more effective. An enhancement of the senses MDMA can significantly enhance (sometimes distort) the senses – touch, proprioception, vision, taste, smell. MDMAers can sometimes be seen running their hands over differently textured objects repeatedly, tasting and smelling various foods/drinks. This effect also contributes to the “hug drug” effect because of the novel feeling of running one’s hands over skin and having one’s skin rubbed by someone else’s hands. Your brain is basically flooding you with seratonin.Bottom line is instead of listening to people that follow myths and propoganda educate yourself by using foreign sites…It does not eat holes in your brain or spine nor does it contain cocaine or heroin those are some of the biggest myths out there… If they are trying to adulterate a pill why would they add another expensive drug like cocaine or herion? Read and educate your self and BE SAFE. look up erowid.org or bluelight.nu.One more addition…PLEASE look up those sites and go from there…I noticed someone said DO NOT DRINK water…that is WRONG…you need to keep yourself hydrated. Take most of what you read here with a grain of salt.
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