What does Coricidin show up as on a drug test

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What does Coricidin show up as on a drug test”,you can compare them.

The drug in Coricidin, DXM, isn’t usually tested for, although in large quantities it can cause false positives as PCP or opiates. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-coricidin-show-up-as-on-a-drug-test ]
More Answers to “What does Coricidin show up as on a drug test
Will ccc’s (coricidin cough and cold) show up on a urine drug tes…?
Wow if u dont know the drug facts of the drugs ur takin u should not be taking them but no rest asured they will not shpw up at all
Does Coricidin show up in drug tests?
Well, as always, that depends. If the question is, does it show up in normal urine tox screens, the answer is no. Now, can it be tested for? Sure. I wonder, though, are you planning on abusing the drug? Robotripping, the abuse of dext…

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does Coricidin show up in drug tests?
A: Well, as always, that depends. If the question is, does it show up in normal urine tox screens, the answer is no. Now, can it be tested for? Sure.I wonder, though, are you planning on abusing the drug? Robotripping, the abuse of dextromethorphan, is dangerous, a lousy high, and can kill. Please don’t.
if i take coricidin hbp cough and cold medicine will it show up on a drug test?
Q: im going to take 5 of them will it show up as opian overdose?
A: dont do it.
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