What does alcohol do to your kidneys

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Excessive amounts of alcohol increases your chance of developing high blood pressure, which is a leading cause of kidney disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-alcohol-do-to-your-kidneys ]
More Answers to “What does alcohol do to your kidneys
How does alcohol affect your kidneys?
It messes your whole system up. not just your kidneys. u can become very sick and end up dying. Oh yea Alcohol cause liver and kidney failure
Is alcohol bad for the kidneys?
I have Spina Bifida, a birth defect, and as a result, I have kidney issues, and have been told that alcohol in moderation is just fine. Just don’t over do it. I drink maybe 2-3 times a month depending on the occasion, I never drink alone, o…
What is the effect of alcohol in your kidneys?
alcohol suppresses the amount of ADH (anti-diahretic hormone) released, causing less water being reabsorbed from urine to blood in kidneys. you will then produce a lot of dilute urine as a result >> To measure the alcohol concentratio…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long does it take to flush alcohol from your kidneys?
A: I assume you are referring to ethanol, the type of alcohol present in alcoholic drinks. Unlike some other toxins, ethanol is not filtered renally (‘renally’ means by the kidneys) and excreted. Rather, it is metabolized by the liver. Without getting into the technical details, the liver of an average person can metabolize about one drink an hour. By drink I mean one beer, one glass of wine, or one shot. For those of you who want the biology details, follow the link I have referenced below.
how does alcohol affect your kidneys?
A: Your kidneys control the amount of water in your body; filtering your blood and excreting waste products in your urine, leaving nutrients in the bloodstream. In order for your kidneys to fulfil their main function of excreting waste products they require a minimum amount of water………….. alcohol seriously hampers this process due to it’s ghastly dehydrating nature………… another side affect of alcohol is that it depletes your body of all your water soluble vitamins such as your B complex & vitamin C. Your kidneys play a key role in controlling blood pressure. If your kidneys can not function properly due to dehydration it can lead to high blood pressure. Controlling high blood pressure is particularly important because it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes♥hope this helps ♥CHEERS♥
How does alcohol impacts the kidneys in terms of urine formation?
A: Your body removes alcohol from your body a few ways.1. throw it up2. vaporize it in your breath in the form of acetaldehyde3. filter it out as acetic acid in urine.Urine is made by the kidneys. if your body is trying to rapidly process alcohol, your kidneys have to work extra hard to filter your blood and send the urine out of your body.So in short: alcohol makes your kidneys work extra hard to form lots and lots of urine.
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