What does a nicotine buzz do

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What does a nicotine buzz do”,you can compare them.

A nicotine buzz usually makes people a little mellow and lethargic. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-nicotine-buzz-do ]
More Answers to “What does a nicotine buzz do
How long does a nicotine buzz last?
Depends on what you’re getting a buzz from. Oral tobacco ,such as Chew (big pack in cheek) or Snuff (fine cut, snorted or packed in lower front lip) or Dip (long cut, packed in lower front lip) or Snus (steamed rather than smoked, goes in u…
What does a nicotine buzz feel like?
The only time I consume nicotine is while I’m drinking, so to me it feels like floating.
Could it just be a nicotine buzz, or a hookah headache?
No, it will only make you light headed and cramp up quicker. There are really only two things you can do, breath only oxygen, get in a hyperbaric chamber, or in your case, just wait it out. If you are feeling dizzy and stuff, go to the hosp…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does a nicotine buzz feel like?
Q: What does a nicotine buzz feel like? Is it meant to be a good feeling?From what I’ve experienced, the feeling is not pleasant. It only causes dizziness. Why do people like it so much?
A: The only time I consume nicotine is while I’m drinking, so to me it feels like floating.
Does a nicotine buzz last as long as a crack high?
Q: Im just wondering because the longest nicotine buzz I had was about 15 minutes but I wonder if you can have a longer one, last time I tried crack and it lasted about 25-30 minutes can’t really remember though I quit doing crack:)
A: The more you smoke the less you buzz. and seriously crack? what are you gonna do 10 years down the road when you have no teeth and have to gum everything?
Does the nicotine buzz go away if….?
Q: hey, i was curious, does the nicotine buzz from cigarettes go away over time even if you only smoke one a day?
A: uhm eventually ur body gets used to it but if you dont have one for a day or 2 and you smoke one you will feel that buzz…well i know i do…but you will usually get that buzz right after one….but they wont last as long…
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