What do you do if your boyfriend smokes pot

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What do you do if your boyfriend smokes pot”,you can compare them.

Tell him immediately that it bothers you and you wish he’d stop. Get all of his friends together to ask him to stop too. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-if-your-boyfriend-smokes-pot ]
More Answers to “What do you do if your boyfriend smokes pot
Can I get over the fact that my boyfriend smokes pot?
IF when the two of you met and he smoked pot. Leave him alone. If he started smoking pot into the relationship that is another story especially if he knows that it bothers you. You have two choices. Let him smoke pot, quit bugging him about…
Why does It bother me so much that my boyfriend smokes pot??
You obviously have control issues. The fact of the matter is it’s really hard to change people (not impossible, but really hard) and most often when you do change them, they will resent you horribly for it. That being said, I’ve resolved to…
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Its really a tough situation when the parents dont like the person your going out with. You know its because they care and they want the best for you. I would have your brothers friend help out around the house, help make dinner, and even r…
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