What do Perkasets do to you

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Percocet is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-perkasets-do-to-you ]
More Answers to “What do Perkasets do to you
Will drug perkasets show on drug test?
Most drug tests (especially instant urine tests) will find marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, PCP and opiates, Percocets contain oxycodone and will cause you to test positive for opiates. On the bright side, you will only test positive for 2…
How bad are perkasets for dogs?
Why on earth would you even think about giving your dog a class 3 narcotic? Talk to your vet before giving a dog any type of human medicine.
How many vicodin/perkasets – Drugs Forum
Well, SWIY should take alot into consideration. For a first time, 20mg of Hydrocodone should be fine, and 15-20mg of Oxycodone should also work out fine. Just be sure SWIY doesn’t take a whole lot especially because of the APAP content, if …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats the best way to detox yourself from vicodin or perkasets, as well as kpins. lol?
Q: I dont want to spend money on detox. Is there a natural way such as drinking lots of water or what?
A: Its good that you don’t want to spend money on detox products, because they are scams. “Detox” has no meaning outside of the clinical treatment for drug addiction or poisoning. You can not “detox” any faster than by your own natural body mechanisms.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification
Is is normal for perkasets to make u very dizzy?
Q: hi, on sunday i broke my foot. so my doc prescribed perkasets for pain. and today they made me soo dizzy. it felt like my heart was beating real fast and that i was flying adn very dizzy, but lightheaded 2. is this normal, or should i tell my doc asap?
A: MILD side effects such as yours are very common with Percocet and other narcotics. YOUR side effects sound extreme, and you should, by all means, tell your Doc asap. It sounds as though you could be having a mild allergic reaction, but ONLY your Doc can determine this. CALL HIM/HER!
I was recently in a very bad car accident and my doctor had put me on perkasets. With drawl so hard! advice?
Q: I’ve asked my boyfriend to take the rest of them away and through them out. I was put on them because i crushed my pelvic bone and sacrium and needed reconstructive surgery. But I dont need this kind of problem and would have rather just dealed with the pain if i knew this was going to happen. but will it get easier? I feel so terrible all the time!
A: Throw them in the sink and turn on the garbage disposal. If you think withdrawal is hard now, it will be worse if you keep taking them. If you want, keep 2 pills and divide them into 1/8ths. Take a 1/2 today, take 1/4th tomorrow, take 1/8th the next day. Withdrawal will still suck but it will ease a little bit.But really, your doctor shouldn’t have given you that crap. Hunker down and get through the discomfort and never take prescription pain killers again. Or end up like Michael Jackson.It’s better to go through pain than be addicted to one of the most dangerous types of drugs in the world.
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