What can lsd do to your body

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If taken in large enough doses, the drug produces delusions and visual hallucinations. It also can cause flashbacks and fear. MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-lsd-do-to-your-body ]
More Answers to “What can lsd do to your body
How long does lsd stay in your body?
The peak of the trip lasts about 3-6 hours, but the entire experience lasts around 12– in rare cases, 14-20 hours. You won’t be able to sleep during any of it, so you don’t want to do it late in the day. It becomes a rather unpleasant expe…
Where is LSD stored in the body?
LSD is not stored in the body for any considerable length of time. After ingestion, LSD is distributed to various body tissues, and then gradually eliminated.
How Does LSD Affect the Body?
Generally, LSD is taken by mouth and held on the tongue or swallowed, but there have been a few reports of people inhaling or injecting LSD . The absorption from the gastrointestinal tract occurs rapidly. LSD diffuses into all tissues of th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What physical effect does LSD have on your brain and body?
Q: Only facts please, no bias opinions.
A: My fact is, I have done lots and lots. From Mescaline, to blodder, window pane, paper and on and on. I never had any physical problems unless I fell down laughing. BUT……… I had friends that just kept doubling doses to get high, and yes, I seen smart people get a little cooky. It’s not an everyday kinda drug. It won’t get you as high day after day, and you try to take more and that doesn’t work either. I get high on nature now. It’s free, legal, and is an amazing high
what are good ways to get rid of lsd in your body?
A: it stays in your leaver and kidneys i think, so drink loads of water…if you have done it recently you may have effects for some extra time
What affect does the drug lsd have on your mind/body?
A: Causes hallucinations. Colours, smells, sounds are also intensified. Increased blood pressure, dry mouth, nausea, numbness.Although it can be fun in the short term it wont really help you mentally in the long term. Google `Syd Barrett`. Its enough to put you off for life.
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