What are the top most dangerous drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the top most dangerous drugs”,you can compare them.

Heroin, Cocaine, and Barbiturates are the top 3 most dangerous drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-top-most-dangerous-drugs ]
More Answers to “What are the top most dangerous drugs
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There are many thousands of drugs that are rated as being dangerous due to its potential for abuse and or toxicity, and therefor all drugs prescribed or illicit are classified into schedules, and many drugs can be dangerous, if taken incorr…

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What are the top ten MOST dangerous “illeagal” drugs.?
Q: What are the top ten MOST dangerous “illeagal” drugs.? A list from 1 to 10 starting from the most dangerous.
A: #1Oxycontin – it will grossly distort a persons looks within a couple of months of using it – very addictive.#2 Heroine – Probably the most addictive drug out there – people will do almost anything to get it when addicted – will distort a persons looks but will take a bit longer than above.#3 – Alcohol – when abused – I have encountered some very violent people under the influence – also due to ease of availability and cost. Alcohol (long term use) can do some nasty stuff to the human brain.#4 Cocaine – addictive and as a stimulant can create aggression – most persons suffering “excited delirium” are under the influence of cocaine. Use can cause death.#5 Ecstasy – What this does to the body is extremely nasty. Body temperature can rise to above 110.#6 PCP – an animal tranquilizer – need I say more?#7 Crack Cocaine – Nasty stuff – similar effects to cocaine – and very cheap.#8 Pain killers – Vicodine and the like – highly abused perscription drug and very addictive – although not a street drug – it creates disfucntion in the user – a stupor effect.#9 Meth – although loosing popularity a bit – nasty stuff#10 – Cannabis – It’s a gateway drug – most users start with this or alcohol.
What are the top 10 Most dangerous “Legal” drugs?
Q: What are the top 10 Most dangerous “Legal” drugs? in order from 1 to 10. starting from the most dangerous.
A: Oxycontin, Methadone, Morphine, that’s all i can come up with right now.
What are the top 10 most dangerous “PERSCRIPTION” drugs.?
Q: What are the top 10 most dangerous “PERSCRIPTION” drugs.?a list from 1-10 staring with the most dangerous.thank you
A: There are many thousands of drugs that are rated as being dangerous due to its potential for abuse and or toxicity, and therefor all drugs prescribed or illicit are classified into schedules, and many drugs can be dangerous, if taken incorrectly, mixed with other drugs and or alcohol.The US has classifications of drugs into schedules from I-V;Schedule I is drus of addiction such Herion, GHB, LSD etc and do not have a recognized medicinal use.Schedule II is drugs or other substance that has a potential for abuse, such as Methylphenidate (Ritalin) & Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) (used for ADD/ADHD), Opium, Methadone (used for heroin addiction and treatment of extreme chronic pain), Oxycodone, Morphine and Pethidine, and have a recognized medicinal use.Schedule III is drugs that still have a potential for abuse but supposedly less so than the above, Hydrocodone, codeine, Ketamine.Australia has all drugs illicit or prescribed classified into schedules too, but from schedule 1-8 schedule 2 is over the counter medications etc, through to schedule 8 which is a controlled substance.I doubt that you will get a accurate list as this may vary from Government bodies and country to country. Sorry I could not be of more help.Edit;I only noted a few drugs that are scheduled, and I gave a link to the DEA which it states clearly that is is not a comprehensive list. But many drugs if not all drugs are evaluated for the potential for abuse etc, even over the counter medications have been assessed for potential abuse and or dangerous reactions etc. Here is some further reading which may help clarify things.http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/csa.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Substances_Act
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