What are the short term effects of marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the short term effects of marijuana”,you can compare them.

Problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor-MORE! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-short-term-effects-of-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What are the short term effects of marijuana
What Are the Short-Term Effects of Using Marijuana?
problems with thinking and solving problems difficulty remembering and learning things altered perception of light, sound and touch clumsiness increased appetite increased heart rate Some marijuana users also suffer from paranoid thoughts a…
What are the long and short term effects for marijuana??
Short: you feel good, laugh allot Long: you can get pregnant with marijuana
Why are the short-term effects of marijuana use of particular con…?
The short-term effects of marijuana use can include problems with: Memory and learning; Problem solving and thinking; Distorted sensory perceptions such as sight, sound and time; and Motor coordination. These effects could have a negative i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the short- and long-term effects of marijuana and for how long should someone refrain from driving?
Q: I am looking for detailed information on the short-term and long-term effects of smoking marijuana and how doing so impairs someone’s ability to safely drive a car or perform similar tasks. In particular, I would like to know how long the effects last and how they may impair someone’s ability to drive. How long must someone wait after smoking until they will be able to safely drive again?I live in Ohio, a state where relaxed marijuana laws are offset by a “per se” drugged driving law. From my understanding, this means that a person is considered to be driving impaired when any traces of drug use are present in the body. This law presumes that an illegal drug user is under the influence even if it is untrue on the basis that they have already comitted a crime (use/posession) and are therefore ‘probably’ guilty. How do these laws effect drug users who are driving when they are sober?
A: If they find any in your system you will get in trouble. People go to jail for driving impaired when they get caught with any drug in their system, even if it is days old and you weren’t actually high at the time. I suggest not driving for a while, or drive safely so don’t get caught with drugs in your system. Make sure you don’t have any drugs in your car or that you recently smoke in your car because if they say they smell it and find something you will get drug tested. A lot people who are high are actually more cautious while driving than when they aren’t high because they have to concentrate more to do simple things.I’m sure that didn’t help. sorry i talk a lot.
Can marijuana cause negative short term effects?
Q: I smoked marijuana for the first time 8 days ago. Since then, I’ve felt very tired every day, it’s been more difficult to learn new things and my sense of touch is diminished. Is it likely that this was caused by the marijuana and can a one-time use of marijuana have any long term damaging effects?
A: not possible. the only negative effects of marijuana is increased heart rate, which goes down as soon as you stop being so stoned
what are the long and short term effects of Marijuana?
Q: im curious what happens after the first time smoking weed?dizzyness? fall over ? give me some info plz !
A: RaGS sez : Geez….I can’t remember. Now, I think I’ll have some more pizza.
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