What are the long term effects of L S D

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Some of the proven long term effects of LSD are hallucinations, flashbacks, depression, anxiety, miscarriage, and dependency. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-long-term-effects-of-l-s-d ]
More Answers to “What are the long term effects of L S D
What are the long-term effects of taking L.S.D.?
L.S.D. can complicate mental problems such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. After using L.S.D. people can have ‘flashbacks’ when they suddenly see or hear things from previous L.S.D. trips. Taking L.S.D. over a long period means th…

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A: L-carnitine supplementation decreases the left ventricular mass in patients undergoing hemodialysis.http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/circj/72/6/72_926/_articleL-Carnitine treatment reduces severity of physical and mental fatigue and increases cognitive functions in centenarians: a randomized and controlled clinical trial.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17914899?ordinalpos=9&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Biology and Chemistry help!?
Q: I find these things very interesting, but haveing a hard time with the following: The Dakota Sandstone is 925 km long, 560 km wide, averages 4,200 m in thinkcness, and has an average porosity of 9.3 percent. What is its water storage volume?Can someone please explain to me the importance of groundwater? I’d like to know.Can someone tell me a little bit about the role of porosity and permeability in the transmission of water through rock?I’m having a problem distinguishing among the unsaturated zone, the saturated zone, and the water table.. can someone explain?LoL!! FUN QUIZ 4 U:In a rapidly growing neighborhood, streets, shopping centers, and homes are being built. Can u explain the possible long-term effects of such growth on groundwater infiltration and supplies?Suppose a community of 1,500 uses water at a rate of 1,000 L per person per day. This community relies on an aquifer that contains 1.5 billions L of water. How many yrs will this water supply last?
A: imp of groundwater———————————Groundwater makes up about twenty percent of the world’s fresh water supply, which is about 0.61% of the entire world’s water, including oceans and permanent ice.Groundwater is naturally replenished by surface water from precipitation, streams, and rivers when this recharge reaches the water table.[citation needed] It is estimated that the volume of groundwater comprises 30.1% of all freshwater resource on earth compared to 0.3% in surface freshwater; the icecaps and glaciers are the only larger sources of fresh water on earth at 68.7%.Groundwater can be a long-term ‘reservoir’ of the natural water cycle (with residence times from days to millennia), as opposed to short-term water reservoirs like the atmosphere and fresh surface water (which have residence times from minutes to years). The figure shows how deep groundwater (which is quite distant from the surface recharge) can take a very long time to complete its natural cycle.The Great Artesian Basin in central and eastern Australia is one of the largest confined aquifer systems in the world, extending for almost 2 million square kilometres. By analysing the trace elements in water sourced from deep underground, hydrogeologists have been able to determine that water extracted from these aquifers can be more than 1 million years old. By comparing the age of groundwater obtained from different parts of the Great Artesian Basin, hydrogeologists have found it increases in age across the basin. Where water recharges the aquifers along the Eastern Divide, ages are relatively young. As groundwater flows westward across the continent, it increases in age, with the oldest groundwater occurring in the western parts. This means that in order to have travelled almost 1000 km from the source of recharge in 1 million years, the groundwater flowing through the Great Artesian Basin travels at an average rate of about 1 metre per year.or ucan also visit these sites— www.groundwater.org/gi/whatisgw.html www.longwood.edu/cleanva/images/sec4.groundwaterchapter.pdf –
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