What are the effects of marijuana on the brain

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the effects of marijuana on the brain”,you can compare them.

Marijuana causes distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and problems MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-marijuana-on-the-brain ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of marijuana on the brain
What are the effects of Marijuana on the brain?
Researchers have found that THC changes the way in which sensory information gets into and is acted on by the hippocampus. This is a component of the brain’s limbic system that is crucial for learning, memory, and the integration of senso…
How does marijuana effect the brain?
*This question is not being answered by Daddyrx, but by a PharmD candidate under his supervision.* THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to t…
Does Marijuana effects the brain?
Marijuana has no long term effects but can contribute to other side effects outside of just a temporary memory disruption. Marijuana has been known to play havoc with serotonin uptake, which results in paranoia and increased stress levels, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does marijuana perminetly damage or effects your brain?
Q: Im 16 yrs old and i been smoking pot scince i was 13yrs old. I know its not healthy or good,but I recently quit. And i been feeling really slow latley, and i wana know it marijuana perminetly damages your brain in any way….Does it have any future effects????
A: There are no long term effects to marijuana usage. it doesn’t lower your sperm count, it doesn’t make you retarded, and unlike alcohol, it doesn’t kill brain cells. You just need to stop blazin’ it. you’ll feel better.
Does mildly prolonged use of marijuana have permanent effects on the brain?
Q: I’ve smoked marijuana this past summer , which is about two months , pretty often. I’d say on average I smoked about 3 blunts a week for the past ten weeks or so. Long have I been aware of the specific effects THC has on the brain, but previous to this summer I was convinced that brain function returns to its original state after quitting weed for a while. I’ve definitely noticed a significant change in my memory and concentration. I’m pretty intelligent my iq was 119 before i smoked a lot. will my brain go back to normal?
A: I doubt very seriously that you will have any long term effects. Back in the day (around 1950) there was a movie called “refer madness”. It was a drug awarness message that went over the top and became a cult movie that was really quite hillarious. But being 55 I have noticed that my friends who have been smoking weed for some 40 years have all the signs of some sort of loss as far as the thought process goes. The same can be said for the ones who drink everyday. Best I can tell you is if you must indulge use your head and moderation.
What long term effects does smoking marijuana have on the brain?
Q: Is it true that it kills brain cells? Other than the immediate effects and possible respiratory effects, are there any long term affects on the brain?I don’t smoke btw
A: The general scientific consensus is that heavy regular use leads to a small dip in IQ (2-3 points) but returns back to normal after a period of sobriety.
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