What are the after effects of salvia

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the after effects of salvia”,you can compare them.

Some users report a positive mood “afterglow” that lasts between a few hours to a a couple of days. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-after-effects-of-salvia ]
More Answers to “What are the after effects of salvia
Does salvia cause a hangover? Are there any after-effects??
Most people do not feel unpleasantly hung-over after using Salvia. A few people do report a mild headache, bronchial irritation, insomnia or irritability. These symptoms seem to be reported more often by smokers than by quid chewers, and pe…
What are the effects of smoking salvia right after smoking mariju…?
I think its a really bad idea. Im a regular marijuana smoker and salvia is just crazy. I’ve only smoked it once and never tried it again because it was a horrible experience. Im used to the calming effect of marijuana and salvia just make y…
Does Salvia use cause any after effects?
Some users report a positive mood “afterglow” that lasts between a few hours to a a couple of days. Minor, if any, negative after effects are noticed. A few users report a mild headache, bronchial irritation, insomnia or irritabil…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the effects of smoking salvia right after smoking marijuana?
Q: I did do salvia right after marijuana but the pot was super weak and the salvia only seemed to intensify it which I guess was a good thing but I’m not sure if that is a normal reaction.
A: Instantly or a while after. If it’s instantly = super crazy . If it a while later after the salvia has gone then no biggie. Do both at the same time!!:D
What are some known long term effects of salvia?
Q: It is legal. So has anyone found out any long term side effects of salvia? I mean, there has to be, if it makes you trip out intensely for couple of mins and makes you forgot that your even tripping out and believe in “that world” then it has to have. Some obvious long term effects would be that it is bad for your lungs… What else?
A: The long-term effects of Salvia Divinorum abuse are unknown, as medical studies undertaken to examine the drug’s physiological effects have focused only on short-term effects. However, information provided by abusers indicates that the negative longterm effects of Salvia Divinorum may be similar to those produced by other hallucinogens such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) including depression and schizophrenia. Some abusers also indicate that long-term abuse can cause hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, or “flashbacks.” Numerous individuals report experiencing negative effects during their first experience with Salvia Divinorum and indicate that they would not use it a second time. Some others report that the drug caused them to become introverted and sometimes unable to communicate clearly.
Do you start to feel the effects of Salvia the first time you smoke it?
Q: because i barley bought some Salvia and i really never heard of it…but i have an idea of what it is. i wana know if you start to feel the effect of it for a person who hasn’t tried Salvia before?
A: Yes you do. Actually, the more you do it, your tolerance lowers. Just some good 10x will give you a strong trip your first time. Watch out, this is a very powerful and scary drug. Have someone watch you your first few times.
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