What are some psychoactive drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some psychoactive drugs”,you can compare them.

Alcohol, Amanitas, Ayahuasca, Cacti, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Datura, DMT, DXM, GHB, Heroin, Ibogaine, Ketamine, LSD, MDMA. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-psychoactive-drugs ]
More Answers to “What are some psychoactive drugs
What are psychoactive drugs?
This name indicates a class of drugs which act on the nervous system. There are different types of psychoactive drugs, depending on their therapeutic action they are called tranquillisers (or minor tranquillisers) (see) antidepressants (s…
How Psychoactive Drugs Work
Psychoactive drugs work by affecting neurotransmitter function. A single drug can affect the function of more than one neurotransmitter. Drugs can:・ Cause more or less of a neurotransmitter to be released at synapses Block reuptake of a neu…
How Psychoactive Drugs Affect the Brain
Nerve cells in the brain are called neurons. These neurons “talk” to each other by passing chemicals back and forth, just like passing notes in class. The neurons’ “notes” are called neurotransmitters, and they are manuf…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some popular assumptions about addictions to psychoactive drugs?
Q: could be either accurate or false .. meaning who is an addict.. who does what drugs. Like for instance they say that the midwest is very big on drugs.. I don’t know what do you think?Thank you!
A: I guess it goes on statistics. How many people do those particular drugs relative to how many people live there. Which ever town or area has the highest percentage would be seen to have a bigger problem with that particular drug than other towns or areas.
How would you divide all psychoactive drugs into categories?
Q: I’d like to put all psychoactive drugs into categories:Example: Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, etc.By “all psychoactive drugs” I mean medical (Zoloft, Xanax, etc.) and recreational (Cocaine, LSD, Cannabis, etc. ) drugs.What categories should I use? I’d like to have as few as possible.
A: Hmmm. I wouldn’t separate them in to stimulants, depressants, etc. because they work differently with different people, and some are hard to pigeonhole, like pot.I think I’d have two categories of ‘natural’ drugs, ‘natural’ and ‘refined. Natural would be things like marijuana, khat, coca leaves, khava, etc., things that you use them as you find them. ‘Refined’ would be drugs refined and concentrated from the natural state, like cocaine (from coca leaves), hashish (from marijuana), etc. Opiates would be ‘refined natural drugs’ too. (You could split alcohol between these, ‘fermented’ things like wine and beer being ‘natural’ and distilled spirits being ‘refined’).Then there would be artificial drugs. I’m not sure how to best categorize these. Maybe before Prosac/After Prosac. Before Prosac you have things like lithium, thorazine, valium, even LSD. After Prosac you have that whole new generation of mood-altering Prosac-like drugs–Zoloft, Luvox, Xanax, etc. etc.
What are the two most commonly abused psychoactive drugs among teenagers?
Q: I’m doing a study and I need to know what the two most commonly abused psychoactive drugs abused among teenagers. I don’t totally trust websites because they might have gotten their information wrong. Still, when you give me your answer I’d prefer to know what website you got it from if you got it from a website at all.
A: One hundred percent sure.Alcohol and Marijuana.A psychoactive is defined as a chemical substance that exerts psychological effects including changes in mood, cognition, and behavior.Alcohol and Marijuana are the cheapest and easiest to find, therefor the most abused.
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