What are cocaine withdrawal symptoms

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Cocaine withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to: agitation, depression, intense craving for the drug, extreme MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-cocaine-withdrawal-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are cocaine withdrawal symptoms
What are the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal?
No one answered your question so let me. Anhedonia (innability to feel pleasure) anxiety, tiredness, soreness of the muscles, extreme hunger, depression, sore throat and nose, sleep disturbances, sensitivity to light, weakness, runny nose, …
How long do cocaine withdrawal symptoms last?
Although it varies from person to person, cocaine withdrawal symptoms generally begin within two days of the last dosage of the drug and last anywhere between seven days to several weeks.
What Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Accompany Cocaine Detox??
There are a number of withdrawal symptoms that you will begin to experience within a couple of hours of your last line or hit of cocaine if you are addicted and try to stop taking the drug. A runny nose and nose bleeds are not uncommon as a…

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Q: and is it painful for them ?
A: Cocaine is not physically addicting but it is mentally and emotionally addictive. There are no physical withdrawls but there are some very significant psychological withdrawls. I have enclosed a link for you.
How long do withdrawal symptoms from cocaine usage last?
Q: This is for a story I’m writing, so don’t go getting any ideas that I’m an addict or anything ;)Um, I guess the character in the story would have been using cocaine for a few months. Fairly heavily, I’d suppose. Just how severe would his withdrawal symptoms be, and how long would they continue for after he stopped using the drug?Thanks for the help, anyone :]
A: When you say a few months? How often during those few months? A heavy user, about 4 to 5 times a week?Withdrawl symptoms differ from person to person, in my experience. They can range from paranoia, feeling of wanting to be left alone, some shaking of his appednages.Irregular heart beat, until his body recoops from the drug. Some serious central nervous system damage.I used to be a heavy user back in highschool and one of my only symptoms now, is high anxiety from time to time and a case of jumpiness also.It’s a bad drug, it really is. But i’m also a firm believer in if taken in moderations, all would be well. I know a “Friend” who was a heavy user at one time, and he dabbles in it every few months or so, he is fine. He can stop after he’s done and not think about it again, until the oppurtunity presents ittself. So, it’s all up to the actual person. Does he have an extremely addictive personality? Is he strong willed.You can read about this stuff ALL OVER the internet, but it’s done by scientists on rats. We’re not rats, its all on the specific person, in my opinion.But like they say, opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and they all stink.Hope this helps
What are the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal?
Q: My friend is going through it and she says it feel like morning sickness. Besides rehab (which is on the to do list) is their anything else I can do to ease her discomfort?i gave her pepto and made her soup but she won’t eat it
A: No one answered your question so let me. Anhedonia (innability to feel pleasure) anxiety, tiredness, soreness of the muscles, extreme hunger, depression, sore throat and nose, sleep disturbances, sensitivity to light, weakness, runny nose, sore jaw. Those are the common ones and withdrawals do not last as long as other drugs like methamphetamine or painkillers. Just hang in there. Eat, rest up, take vitamins and once the withdrawals are over there is a 50/50 chance you won’t go back. I know i didn’t.
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