Should you smoke

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Should you smoke”,you can compare them.

Nope! Smoking has been directly linked to lung cancer, heart disease and other major illnesses, as well being dangerous MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should you smoke
Why do people smoke?
I don’t see why people like to smoke because it ruins their lungs, others lungs (because others have to breathe it), and it goes up into the air- hurting the environment. And there is no benefit. But, people smoke for many different reasons…
How to smoke a cigar?
To really appreciate your cigar, smoke slowly and not draw too frequently, which will heat it and spoil the taste. You should take about a puff a minute. To smoke a corona should take about one half hour, and the bigger cigars such as a Chu…
What is Secondhand Smoke?
Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke given off by the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, and the smoke exhaled by smokers. Secondhand smoke is also called environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and exposure to secondhand smoke is …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many smoke detectors should I have in my home? Where should I put my Carbon Monoxide Detector?
Q: My house is 20 years old and it is a 1 1/2 story with a full basement. The gas furnace/water heaters are in the basement. Access to the basement is through the interior of the house and it’s walk-out. I’m planning on totally replacing the smoke detectors, they are not hard wired. With this considered, how many battery operated smoke detectors should I get for my home? 2600 sq feet finished living space with a full unfinished basement. Where should I install the Carbon Monoxide detector?
A: Check with your local fire department and they will be GLAD to come to your house and show you where to put up all your detectors and also what type of fire extinguishers to have and where to hang them. And it’s a good idea in another aspect…the fire department refreshes themselves on your location. They may also provide window stickers for bedrooms and pets.
Should people who smoke in public be charged with attempted murder?
Q: It seems to me that people who smoke in public or even at home in the presence of non-smokers is exposing others to poisonous gases. Tobacco smoke may not kill you instantly but it can cause cancer, emphysema, various respiritory conditions, and even other types of cancer besides lung cancer. Breathing second-hand tobacco smoke can be very dangerous to people who have respiritory problems. I think it should only be legal to smoke outside on your own property. It should only be legal to smoke in your own house or apartment if no non-smokers live in your household. Smoking in ANY public place should be illegal. What do you think?
A: Yes, I agree with you. It just kills me when I see people smoke in a vehicle with a child in it. I hope they start giving out tickets for that soon. Remember the old bill boards along the expressways and highways? They still have them. Instead of advertising the Marlboro Man or the Camel guy, they could show people like me. I have COPD. I am on oxygen 24/7. I have end stage which means there is nothing left they can try on me that they haven’t already. They can sit me in the wheelchair with my oxygen tanks next to me and all my inhalers/meds sitting on a table next to me. The board could say something like, “This WILL be you. ENJOY that smoke”! Then have a child about 5 standing next to me coughing. Then it says, “If you don’t think of yourself, what about them?”What do you think of that idea?
How long should someone stay away from smoking and secondhand smoke after a thyroidectomy?
Q: I know secondhand smoke is bad in general, but after surgery, how long should you wait to be around it again? Any ideas?
A: If second hand smoke was as dangerous as people believe it is, there would be nobody alive in their 50s and 60s. They all grew up in clouds of smoke from their parents WW2 era.
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