Should marijuana become legal

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Law .We found some answers as below for this question “Should marijuana become legal”,you can compare them.

Yes, for medical purposes. Marijuana has a medical value for many different diseases, and for that it should be legal. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should marijuana become legal
Is the end of prohibition upon us?
Fortune Magazine) — When Irvin Rosenfeld, 56, picks me up at the Fort Lauderdale airport, his SUV reeks of marijuana. The vice president for sales at a local brokerage firm, Rosenfeld has been smoking 10 to 12 marijuana cigarettes a day fo…
When did marijuana become legal?
There are a number of cafes on the Pot Block on Hastings in Vancouver. Yes, people do smoke weed there but it is not legal. The reason the cops don’t bug them is because those cafes are in the downtown east side where a bunch of hippies smo…
Will Marijuana ever become legal?
I think it will eventually, but it won’t be done by the Feds. I think states will begin to legalize it or at least decriminalize it, which is pretty much the same thing. Some are already doing it, for medicinal purposes, just like alcohol w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Should marijuana become legal? Why, or why not?
Q: The reason why I ask this is because, well, let’s face it, everyones either done it, does it currently, or wants to do it. So marijuana will eventually become legal anyway, it’s healthier than everything out there, it’s the most used illegal drug, why not just legalize it now and get it over with?
A: Thats a huge assumption there. I have never done it, never will do it, and will never want to do it. I am vehemently opposed to ANY drug and thing the practice of drug taking is absolutely disgusting and sickening. And on the topic of assumptions, I assume from your views that you are a user?Just because it is the most used illegal drug (I dont think thats exactly right) doesn’t make it RIGHT.Its healthier than everything out there is it? Healthier than what, Cocaine? Heroine? Getting shot by a sub machine gun? Maybe. But that doesn’t make it healthy or safe! I would like to see any medical or academic back up you have for this statement, because believe me as a Nurse I can provide you with a whole shedload of material that shows the negative short term and very negative long term habit of this disgusting, idiotic drug.People like you and those who campaign for more lax drug laws are so simple sometimes, I wonder would you actually defend the drug dealer on a street corner? Drugs should NEVER be made legal. Those making and supplying these disgusting things should be shot, to stop them ruining the lives of so many others. I have seen the negative effects of many drugs, marijuana included so many times through work, and yes I have felt like saying sometimes if you wanted this lifestyle choice then you go and live with the consequences because I cant be bothered patching you up – again. But I don’t. And you – and your marijuana taking friends – should be grateful that you have doctors and nurses who will be there to pick up the pieces when your body eventually starts to catastrophically fail because of your disgusting habit.Carr: Hysterical nonsense? Show me the medical research to back up your idiotic claims that these drugs are safe, and I will give you a whole load on the severe mental problems people are presenting with (at increasingly younger ages), COPD, destruction of alveoli, respiratory problems, even the links to cancer that are just as bad as tobacco smoking, etc etc etc etc. Idiot.
When will marijuana become legal in california?
Q: When will marijuana become legal in california?
A: During just a three month period in the USA $7.1 billion is spent on the capture and prosecution of the illegalities of marijuana use. This figure does not even touch the $20,804 per year, per person jail time cost, for a Marijuana related charge.. Add it up people, Now that’s one hell of an economic stimulus package!On top of this amount you figure in the amount earned from proposed taxation, a whopping 13.5 billion per year, per state. (This information is based on the proposed AB390 Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act in the state of California) So totaling the cost of prohibition and the income of taxation the United States is looking at a $41.9 Billion budget increase per state, per year. Not including the Jail Time costs savings. S o that should answer at least one of the above questions on how much money could be made form legalization!
Do you think that marijuana should become legal?
Q: I sure do, although I believe there should be restrictions:No one less then 18 years old should be able to buy it No driving a vehicle while using itNo public intoxicationI know that I may get slammed by people who disagree with me…however, this is only my opinion. I am not saying that anyone should do drugs I am simply asking others their opinions.(I just feel that law enforcement should be tending to the more violent crimes out there.)Looking forward to hearing from you…
A: Legal but not 100% legal. You shouldn’t be able to just fire up a fatty anytime anyplace. There should be designated places where you can–coffee shops where you could do it, or in your own home.
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