Is weed worse than alcohol

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is weed worse than alcohol”,you can compare them.

Both alcohol and marijuana have very bad affects on your health. Including your heart, liver and brain. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is weed worse than alcohol
Is weed worse than alcohol?
Only because it is illegal…and it shouldn’t be. They each have their own unique health risks. Neither is worse than the other. Legalize it .
Is alcohol worse than weed?
It’s a little hard to make that judgement unless you’ve tried both. You need to know what it feels like. When your high, your less likely to do stupid stuff like you would do w/ alcohol. Your more likely to just sit around and the worst it …
Which is worse, Alcohol or Marijuana?
ALCOHOL Ive seen so many lived F|_|CKED up from that personally weed is good what can i say god made it its natural and damnnnnnn good xD

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people think that weed is worse than alcohol?
Q: These ignorant people need to do a little bit of research.
A: Because they’re ignorant. The media builds alcohol up to be so great and everything, then at the same time tries to make weed look sooo bad, when in all actuality, its not near as bad as alcohol.
is weed worse than alcohol?
Q: does anyone think that weed is worse for you than alcohol? if not, than why cant we legalize it already??
A: Only because it is illegal…and it shouldn’t be. They each have their own unique health risks. Neither is worse than the other. Legalize it .
Why do people think weed is worse than alcohol or tobacco?
Q: no good comes out of alcohol or tobacco, but weed is used for madicinal reasons.oh no!! the THC is in my system !!!!
A: i know right..weed is great!
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