Is weed physically addictive

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is weed physically addictive”,you can compare them.

In a test of daily oral doses of 15-20 joints,quitting caused disturbed sleep,restlessness,nausea,decreased appetite,and sweating. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is weed physically addictive
Is weed addictive, Physically or Psychologically?
I think it starts out as a psychological addiction then eventually becomes a physical addiction. the mind is so strong that it can actually effect you phsyically. like stress can make your hair fall out. maybe not weed, but stronger drugs l…
What does it mean to be physically and mentally addicted to weed??
As you know, a physical addiction is where the chemicals of the body change in such a way that deprivation of the foreign substance causes withdrawal symptoms (i.e. nervousness, shakiness, seizures, sickness, and even death) Some drugs crea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is weed addictive, Physically or Psychologically?
A: I think it starts out as a psychological addiction then eventually becomes a physical addiction. the mind is so strong that it can actually effect you phsyically. like stress can make your hair fall out.maybe not weed, but stronger drugs like heroine
Only for fellow stoners, Is weed addictive?
Q: I smoke a good 3 bowls a day (i know not much). Iv’e been smoking for a good 2 years now. I have tried to quit pot a few times but I never succeeded. I don’t know if it’s because i depend on it or not. I know it’s not physically addictive but i’m wondering if it’s psycologically addictive.
A: any thing you do for more than 2 weeks conditions you to a habit..weed isnt addicting you ..its human conditioning
is weed and extacy a physical or mentally addictive drug?
Q: I’m debating with a friend of mine that extacy and weed whether its physical or mentally addictive. Now my friend says its mentally and i say its physically. which one of us is right?
A: id say its more mentally addictive. at the end of the day once you think in your head that you want to stop using it, then yh you can, whereas if you try to stop and you dont want to stop up in your head, then its all pointless which can suggest that weed is not pysically addivtive but mentall,y cos unless you put it in your head then you cant stop. i belive nearly all drugs are mentally addictive rather than pysihcally, but…
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