Is weed bad for your brain

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is weed bad for your brain”,you can compare them.

Depression, anxiety, & personality disturbances, cancer of the respiratory tract & lungs are all associated with marijuana use. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is weed bad for your brain
Is WEED bAD 4 the bRAIN?
I’ve never seen anything wrong with smokin up once and a while…it’s the burnouts that really lose the brain cells. too much of anything is bad. Once i got high and explained genetics in detail to my friend’s neighbor, and i discovered a p…
Is weed actually bad for the brain and/or muscles once puberty is…?
I want to say that I do NOT support marijuana in any way. I dislike when people say that marijuana has no negative side effects because I think that not only does it make people less productive, and become a part of “the wrong crowd”…
How many brain cells do you kill when you smoke weed? What bad si…?
The short answer: No. The long answer: The reason why you ask this is because you probably heard or read somewhere that marijuana damages brain cells, or makes you stupid. These claims are untrue. The first one — marijuana kills brain ce…

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Q: im so tired of the arguements, half the people say it doesnt do a thing and the other half says it fries your brain and its toxic to your body. if any of you smoke pot have you found differences in the daily things you do.. like getting slower and being really tired?
A: Marijuana, weed, pot, whatever you want to call it does not kill your brain cells and make you stupid. I’m not sure where this myth came from but it’s not true. The main chemical in weed that gives the “high”feeling is called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol in case you’d like to look it up), and when it enters the bloodstream, it travels to the brain & binds to receptors. the feelings of being high include: altered perception of time (everything goes by really slow, you might talk and feel like it happens about 5 minutes later, or look at the clock once in a while and only 6 minutes have gone by when it seems like an hour.) things might spin a little bit and look lighter. you feel really light, your muscles feel heavy, you literally feel like everything is a dream because of your slow reaction time and the way it makes you feel (really hard to describe). i smoke, and there are no differences once the high is gone which only should last a few hours anyway. no long term behavioral effects have been known to occur in smokers though, so you don’t get “dumb” from it, it only affects your short term memory slightly because of the disruption of nerve cells in your brain. i haven’t been affected by that at all though.
is smoking weed is bad for your brain?
A: yes … don’t take it to fit in say no it is bad for you you no what smoking doze …. yes …. plus the weed …. you don,t need it
Is weed actually bad for the brain and/or muscles once puberty is complete…?
Q: My ma always bitches that I smoke, I just wanna shut her down and make her read this. I have a brain injury, so I don’t feel hunger. I use the pain tolerance to stretch real well and lift heavy weight. I know cigs are bad for muscles, but isn’t weed overall perfect for the gym.Relaxes muscles, allows heavy stretching, do more weight I need to know
A: Yes, weed is actually bad for the brain. Your mother is quite right to be concerned.
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