Is there long term affects of smoking weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there long term affects of smoking weed”,you can compare them.

Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there long term affects of smoking weed
What are the long term affects of smoking weed?
“But I do know that cigarettes are indeed more harmful to the body than weed.” Really? I don’t know about that. I’ll give you the average impact is worse for a cigarette smoker, who probably smokes 20 times a day than for a pot s…
Do u think smoking weed has any long-term health affects??
I think it does. Over a long period of time I think it can mess with your mind as well as other bodily functions. If you haven’t tried it, don’t! It usually leads to curiosity with other drugs. Weed won’t kill you, but I know you *can* live…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the long term affects of smoking weed?
Q: I just want to know. But I do know that cigarettes are indeed more harmful to the body than weed.
A: “But I do know that cigarettes are indeed more harmful to the body than weed.”Really? I don’t know about that. I’ll give you the average impact is worse for a cigarette smoker, who probably smokes 20 times a day than for a pot smoker who might smoke twice a day.But if you’re talking one joint per day versus one cigarette per day, I think they’re basically the same.
Im 16 years old and have been smoking weed abit recently, are there any serious long term affects?
A: no, and it dosnt kill braincells thats old negative propaganda that modern science has proved wrong… i really wish people would research, weed dosnt cause cancer infact it slows tumer growth, it dosnt kill braincells infact the brain has a part specifically designed to process marijuanana (we are programmed to smoke weed). it does have more tar but it isnt toxic like the tar from cigerettes so it wont cause cancer and if you want to avoid the tar you can smoke with a vaporizer. weeds not addictive so toke up all u want just dont get caught on a burner =P
What do you think the long term health affects are (psychological) for smoking weed daily from age 13 – 24?
A: 13 ur brain is not fully developed so i wouldnt recommend smokin it till ur at least 17…my dad is a hippie and i was rollin up his joints at the age of 7….but 1 thing he made clear to me was no smoking until ur 17..however…it has been proven that there is no long term affects in weed smokers over the age of 18…as long as u have no concerns about ur pshchological health then dont worry about the rest…short term memory loss is just that SHORT TERM…if ur anything like me u’ll b driving down the road in a few days and the light bulb will go off !!!!!!!OH!!!!!!! There has been alot of proven health benefits from smokin weed including relief from anxiety and pain (though i have seen a handful of people wig out on it too) and the real reason weed was banned is because of the cotton industry NOT because of health benefits….AND LETS NOT 4GET..with the consumption of ANYTHING there may b health risks involved for some..also cannabis is an herb NOT A DRUG…as long as we dont mess with the process of this plants natural growth then it is all a drug as are cigarettes(too much $$$ for the gov in that field..though cigarettes have been proven to carry poisonous toxins and chemicals…whew ok..not the info u were lookin 4 so im gonna chill now…this puffs 4 u!!
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