Is smoking bad

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is smoking bad”,you can compare them.

Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and chronic lung disease. Whether it is “bad” or not, that simply depends on the person. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is smoking bad
Yes because it can kill you and give you numerous diseases.
Only three sensible answers out of ten so far, of course it’s bad for you, your lungs are supposed to be filled with clean air so that it can be absorbed into the blood stream through the alveoli, if you smoke, the alveoli get coated with t…
Smoking is very bad for your health, if that is what you are talking about. It can cause cancers and vascular diseases. It can also give you bad skin, a raspy voice and teeth stains. Many people have had many health consequences as a result…

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How is smoking bad for the environment?
Q: Im doing a public speaking speech for class and one of my topics is how smoking is bad for the environment. can someone give me specific details and examples on how it is bad for the environment?
A: The carbon produced by smoking a cigarette is quite small, even when multiplied over a large scalebut imagine a pile of 100 billion of them. There is certainly an negative impact. so help you friends quit smoking !!
What are benefits of quiting smoking, Why is smoking bad?
Q: I’m trying to quit smoking. I stopped last night. I do well up until about the 5th day, does anyone have any advice. And can you all tell me some reasons why smoking is bad, statistics what it does to you. I do know the reasons why, but hopefully people will come up with things I didn’t know and i’ll be put off smoking for ever. What are benefits of quiting smoking?
A: Smoking effects your lungs making it harder to breath later on in life (that’s why smokers cough so much) and cigarettes have tar in them which is what gets in your lungsBenefits from not smoking. 1) you dont smell like smoke all the time 2) your teeth dont turn yellow as easy 3) people like you more 4) you will live longer 5)less likely to get a heart attack 6) normal blood pressure So i suggest you quit smoking ASAPoh yea,Louis Armstrong, Nat “King” Cole, Sammy Davis Jr, and Walt Disney all DIED from smoking.
Is smoking bad if your physically active and healthy?
Q: I have been smoking for a few weeks now. I do not feel a sense of addiction beacause i could go more than a week easily without needing a cigarette. I play soccer and excercise a lot and drink a lot of water. Would smoking be bad for me if i dont smoke a lot?
A: Stefan C, Smoking addiction can harm your health. Many people have lost jobs, and loved ones because they could not tame thier smoking habits. I recommend you seek some help. Here is a site that has addiction information and a directory of addiction treatment clinics so you can help. Get healthy!
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