Is smoking a cigar or drinking worse

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is smoking a cigar or drinking worse”,you can compare them.

Both cigar smoking and alcohol have many harmful side effects and both cause harm to the human body. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is smoking a cigar or drinking worse
Is it bad that my boyfriend started smoking cigars and drinking i…?
drinking and smoking are part of the experimentation process that most teens go though in college its not too much cause for worry however don’t let him have these habits get out of hand.
What to drink while smoking a cigar?
I don’t drink alcohol, so I stay away from liquor or beer or wine. A lot of the time, I drink nothing with a good cigar. I think some cigars are best smoked alone. It may be I like their taste better than most drinks, and would rather have …
Why do people drink, take drugs, smoke cigar?
Not really. I drink. I’m hardly an alcoholic, but if i go out with my friends or come home after a long day you bet i’ll have a nice cold beer. I’m not killing my liver because i’m not pounding whiskey down my neck every night. If you drink…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is worse for you: getting drunk once a week or smoking a cigar once a week?
Q: Title says it all.
A: As a person who’s been to alcohol classes, hrm, a couple times before, they would say that binge drinking once a week is extremely harmful. Smoking a cigar isn’t really going to have an affect if done once a week. Many people don’t even inhale the smoke, so yeah.Gah, Lauren you beat me to it.
whats worse for you alcohol or cigars?
Q: k my friend smokes cigars when we go to parties but he won’t drink at all, so whats worse getting drunk or smoking cigars in terms of affecting the body?
A: Getting drunk is worse than smoking a cigar. When you get drunk, it badly affects your liver. When you smoke a cigar (considering it is once in a while and not 5 cigars everyday) you don’t get anything bad.
What is so bad about weed?
Q: I use to smoke but then I quit because I knew it was a waste of time. But I hear people saying that it isn’t that bad for you if you do it once a week or once a month it is good for you.& People tell me drinking is way worse. Also is drinking worse then smoking cigars?
A: it’s bad cuz it is a waste of time and money but as far as your health is concerned it’s not all that bad for you. i mean sure if you smoke it, it damages your lungs just like if you were to smoke cigs but there’s other ways to do it. you can cook it with things and eat it or just chew it, which doesn’t harm your lungs cuz you aren’t smoking it and the chemical in weed (THC) is harmless. drinking is definately worse than weed. cigars have it’s downs and drinkings also has it’s downs. drinking is harmful for other people around you also, not just yourself so if i had to choose i’d say cigars are better. drinking can give you liver failure along with so many other things so i suggest you don’t drink or smoke and if you are gonna smoke, smoke weed cuz its 100 times better for you than cigs. cigs have so many damn chemicals and poisonous, harmful things i can’t even begin to stress how stupid it is. cigars is more tobacco and less chemicals vs cigs but it’s still bad.
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