Is MDMA the same thing as meth

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Yes, it is. But the full meaning of MDMA is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is MDMA the same thing as meth
Are meth, MDMA, cocaine and ecstacy one and the same thing? Or ar…?
Meth or methamphetamine belongs to the amphetamine family of stimulants. It is known on the streets by many names: ice, crystal meth, speed and crank, to name a few. “Crank” comes from the time when motorcycle gangs would hide it …

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Q: Are they all one and the same thing? Or are they all different? Also what are the problems faced by adrenaline addicts, i.e people who take adrenaline injections and are addicted to it. Dont worry, I dont do drugs and neither am I thinking of doing it. I just read a novel in which one character was a drug addict who ultimately gets hooked on to adrenaline injections. SO i just got curious about it.Please also tell me the effects on health if someone gets addicted to adrenaline injections.
A: Meth or methamphetamine belongs to the amphetamine family of stimulants. It is known on the streets by many names: ice, crystal meth, speed and crank, to name a few. “Crank” comes from the time when motorcycle gangs would hide it in their bike’s crankcases.As mentioned, “esctasy” is a street name for MDMA or 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine. MDMA is also a stimulant but it also has psychoactive properties. This drug appears to produce a different spectrum of psychological effects from stimulants such as methamphetamine and amphetamine or from psychedelic drugs such as LSD or Psilocybin. The pharmacological mechanisms of this class appear to resemble those of methamphetamine. Extracellular dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are all increased by both MDMA and methamphetamine. Brain call damage has been reported at high doses.Cocaine is derived from the coca plant. The pharmacodynamics of cocaine are complex. One significant effect of cocaine on the central nervous system is the blockage of the dopaminetransporter protein (DAT). The decreased dopaminergic signalling after chronic cocaine use may contribute to depressive mood disorders and sensitize this important brain reward circuit to the reinforcing effects of cocaine (e.g., enhanced dopaminergic signalling only when cocaine is self-administered). This sensitization contributes to the intractable nature of addiction and relapse.Epinephrine, commonly called adrenaline is a hormone. It is a catecholamine, a sympathomimetic monoamine derived from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine. The Latin roots ad-+renes and the Greek roots epi-+nephros both literally mean “on/to the kidney” (referring to the adrenal gland, which secretes epinephrine). Epinephrine is sometimes shortened to epi in medical jargon.Although there are reports of “adrenaline junkies,” these folks are not injecting the drug, but doing activities that increase natural production from the adrenal gland. Excessive doses of epinephrine could cause serious harm, even death, but chronic use would lead to the shut down of the adrenal gland, but not true addiction.Rick the pharmacist
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