Is marijuana healthier than alcohol

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana healthier than alcohol”,you can compare them.

Both alcohol and marijuana have negative affects on health. Too much alcohol at one time can lead to brain injury and even death. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana healthier than alcohol
Is marijuana healthier than alcohol?
Marijuana is less addictive than alcohol, although it can still be addictive. Alcohol is known to be generally safe when used moderately, but alcohol abuse can lead to liver failure, cardiovascular problems, and has been implicated in sever…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is tobacco & alcohol is legal, but marijuana is medically healthier than both? Isn’t that backwards?
A: Marijuana has a historical prejudice against it because of racial sentiments against mexican laborers from early in the 20th Century who were fond of smoking it. Plus the tobacco and alcohol lobbyists made sure their pet Congressmen would outlaw a cheap and popular form of competition! I debate whether burning it is healthy however. I would think it is best to cook it in butter and use the butter in food. You will get the benefits without putting anything into your lungs. I don’t use it myself so maybe there is something I’m not as current on however.
Which is healthier, Marijuana, or Alcohol, generally speaking: Mind, heart, lungs, brain, etc. Doctors, help?
Q: Help?
A: Alcohol, in other than moderate and occasional doses, is generally more destructive to all of the above but the lungs. And it is known to be addictive, unlike marijuana. If you are getting your THC through smoking, the smoke is pretty harsh, and deeply inhaled: a very bad combo. But the problem is the delivery system. Pot cornbread, hash brownies, etc. don’t have that problem. Medical science, however, hasn’t bothered to explore the health consequences of getting your muggle joy through snacking.
Why is marijuana illegal when it is much less damaging than alcohol and tobacco?
Q: Nobody ever dies from getting high how many people die on a daily basis from alcohol and tobacco use. There is a stereotype that comes with pot smokers that is absolutely ridiculous. Ive been smoking it on a daily basis for 32 years and im much healthier than my smoking friends and alcoholic friends.
A: because of this jerk named Harry J. Anslinger. it had to do with money a lot of money. is it not surprising i mean why is are economy in a messy right now? every thing all ways boils down to money what a shame. G u have no clue what you are talking about do u? i mean when was the last time you hear some one dieing in a car crash going 120. come on show a little evidence first. and staged crashes don’t count!
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