Is marijuana harmful to smoke

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana harmful to smoke”,you can compare them.

Moderate smoking of marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana harmful to smoke
Is marijuana harmful to smoke?
Yeah. It really is. You’ll get, if not already HAVE these symptoms: -Impaired judgment and motor coordination -Shortened attention span and distractibility -Anxiety and panic attacks -Increased heart rate / Increased risk of heart attack -S…
Is marijuana smoke harmful?
it is very can make u lose brain cells,make u dizzy,and many more like dammage ur lungs. if ur thinking of smokin it,DONT!
How harmful is it to smoke clovers – Stoner Forums – A Marijuana …?
I don’t understand why you let them pump your stomach if you smoked it… Surely it would’ve been better to tell them you smoked it and save yourself the stomach pumping on top of whatever horrible symptoms drove you to seek medical help in…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is using foil to smoke marijuana harmful?
Q: Is it harmful to use foil as the bowl, particularly in an apple pipe?Also, are there any other methods of making a screen other than foil, in an apple pipe? I heard that you can put chunks of apple in the bowl area.Additionally, tips on making an apple pipe?Educational purposes only.
A: Educational purposes only? Haha, nice one.And yes, burning foil is actually very unhealthy. Might I suggest using a wrench bolt as the bowl? Works like a charm.
Is marijuana smoke harmful to cats???
Q: I don’t smoke, my live-in boyfriend does BIG time, we live in a tiny lil’ studio apartment, he smokes indoors…..I just want to know if that is going to be affecting my 2 kitties or not. Please advice!!!
A: Yes it is ,any smoke is harmful to our pets. They are no different than children. Second hand smoke is SECOND HAND SMOKE!!!!I would make him go OUTSIDE to smoke, in fact I’d tell him to take a very long walk. My pets would be more important than a pot smoking bf, believe me!!!!
Is marijuana harmful to smoke?
Q: Well im here smoking and i start to think damn this stuff might be harmful. So yeah is weed harmful?
A: NOPE! Toke on my friend lol :]
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