Is marijuana an upper or a downer

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana an upper or a downer”,you can compare them.

Marijuana is considered a downer because it is a depressant. Thanks for using ChaCha!!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana an upper or a downer
Is marijuana an upper or downer?
It can be both to some people however it is generaly a downer.
Is Marijuana a stimulant or a depressant?
Marijuana is neither a stimulant nor a depressant; instead it is both at the same time. We get simultaneous stimulating and sedating effects with marijuana which is why it is so misunderstood by the medical profession and the scientists for…
Why shouldnt marijuana a stimulant be legalized when alcohol a de…?
I don’t think marijuana is a good thing. I used to smoke and I promise you it is bad. Marijuana should be legal because in a free society, which we are not in, people make choices like this for themselves. Let me get this straight, a woman …

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What is marijuana an upper, downer, or sumthin else???
Q: i need to know what it is exactly because my friend and i are at a dissagreement about it and i need the right answer. Upper or Downer?
A: Marijuiana is classifed as a psychoactive drug, specifically a hallucinogen due to the THC, according to the US FDA (schedule I classification). It affects the hippocampus. More info: continues where it should be classifed. At this point neither a depressant, definately not a stimulant. Currently, hallucinogen. (college psychology professor)
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Q: what is that suposed to mean? upper and downer…and do u agree
A: incorrect, they are both central nervous system depressants
my friend and I have a bet. is marijuana an upper or a downer?
A: a downer and a damn good one!
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