Is marijuana a depressant or hallucinogen

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana a depressant or hallucinogen”,you can compare them.

Marijuana is a most popular hallucinogenic among teens and adults. It has both short and long-term effects caused due to it’s use. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana a depressant or hallucinogen
Is marijuana a stimulant depressant or hallucinogen??
Marijuana is classified as a hallucinogen or perturbator This article is from Marijuana, LSD, and PCP Marijuana and hashish, two substances derived from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), are also considered natura…
Why is Marijuana a depressant and hallucinogen?
While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, hallucinogen, or antipsychotic, cannabis, containing both THC and CBD, exhibits a mix of all properties, leaning towards hallucinogen properties due to THC bei…
Is marijuana a depressant stimulant or hallucinogen??
It speeds up your heart rate slightly and makes everything in life more enjoyable. You cannot become physically addicted to it. Any withdrawal you might get is not real withdrawal. You will simply lack the benefits you had while on it.You c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is Marijuana a depressant and hallucinogen?
Q: For health we were given a drug to study with questions to answerThis is one of the questions and the one i need help with lol:”Is the drug a stimulant, depressant or hallucinogen? Explain why?”I know Marijuana is both a depressant and hallucinogen. Need answers please thanks =)
A: While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, hallucinogen, or antipsychotic, cannabis, containing both THC and CBD, exhibits a mix of all properties, leaning towards hallucinogen properties due to THC being the primary constituent.
Marijuana a depressant or hallucinogen or both?
Q: I recently took a drivers ed quiz and i came across a t/f question that stated ” Is marijuana a depressant drug” and i said true getting it wrong. the answer was false because my teacher said it was considered a hallucinogen. so f* him cuz i think im right
A: From my personal experience, I would not classify marijuana as a hallucinogen myself. However, remembering health class, it is classified as one. It has something to do with how THC actually takes effect in your brain.
What category does Marijuana fall under? Is it a depressant? Hallucinogen or Stimulant?
Q: If its all three than what Category is that?no there should be a specific name…
A: It is not considered any of those. Marijuana, along with hash, is a cannabinoid (from cannabis, the plant they are derived from). This group of drugs produces euphoria and an altered sense of time. They can produce hallucinations at high doses, but are not considered hallucinogens.
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